SNSD SooYoung most popular amongst Japanese, Jessica most popular amongst Chinese, Yuri talks about

Discussion in 'Korean Entertainment' started by jazlynnyee, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. jazlynnyee

    jazlynnyee Fantabulous!!!


    Japanese Sayuri said, “It seems that SooYoung is the most popular member of So Nyeo Shi Dae in Japan.”

    So Nyeo Shi Dae has appeared on KBS ‘The ChitChat of The Beauties’ summer special aired on 10th August. And Sayuri was asked, “Which member is the most popular in Japan?” and she answered, “Each member has her own charms, but SooYoung has the face the Japanese guys like.”

    And when Chinese Eun DongRyong was asked, “Which member is the most popular in China”, she replied, “I think Jessica has an appeal. Chinese men like girls who looks like fox” looking at Jessica. And then there were many whispers in the crowd that went “Jessica looks like a fox.”

    Meanwhile, while the girls were on the topic of long legs, Yuri revealed, “Actually we do makeup on our legs. We do highlight and shading to make it appear slim. Of the members, I worry most about my legs, when other members apply one makeup coat, I apply 3.”

    Credit: KBites