So You Think You Can Dance

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by person, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. person

    person Well-Known Member

    So who watches this how? I love it. I think it's the best of all those competition shows. Cause you these guys have REAL talent. Not saying that American Idol, Canadian Idol don't... but hey... singing is kinda easy. Not as difficult as dancing, and those dancers really show that they got talent, and want to win. They have to learn a new cheo every week, different styles, which is great!
    I have to say though... fans voting for your favorite? That's stupid. They should have stuck to last years way, the judges (who know what they're talking about) vote the bottom 3 couples, then the fans vote. Then in the final 4 they actually got the BEST not fan favorites...
    And this year, maybe it's because they have more dancers... but not many are that memorable. Maybe cause they have more dancers for the final or something. Meh. I do like Benji though. He's really good. The girls ah all of them are really good. So are the guys. Who was Benji's partner before? I liked her... and Heidi. Ah all of em are pretty good. But their poppers and breakers... meh they were ok. Moosa was cool. Good as well. The girl... meh. But none of them were as intersting as Ryan. Or Jamile.
    S what do you guys think?
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i only like the hip hop stuff
  3. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    it's so far the best dancing competition than the other dancing things on tv.

    but i couldn't get most of the names, cuz i watch it only sometimes.
    i could remember more of the American Idol contests name then this.

    btw, i never notice that there were a Canadian Idol, lol.. sounds cool!
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    man...canadian idol is nothign near american idol...i do'nt even know who won canadian idol and im canadian...only succesful american idol is kelly clarkson
  5. joycesays

    joycesays Well-Known Member

    i really like travis... he's very graceful and versatile. i hope ivan gets voted off soon because he really isn't that great. i think the girls are really great and i'd be sad to see any of them go... however, donyelle, and alison are my two fave.
  6. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Ivan is ok. I was surprised they kept him rather than the... Russian guy from their first show... but eh, they're the dance pros...
    Yeah, Canadian Idol sucks. They sure let in some crappy singers, cause Canada don't got any good singers. =P
    Back to the show... Travis is good. I like them all, but none really stand out to me like, the male ballroom dancers, none of them compare to Artem... he was amazing... lol.
    And Travis is good... but not like Nick or Blake good... maybe cause he's still young... meh. lol.
    But yeah. last season they had some amazing dancers.
  7. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    so wat time is the show?
  8. person

    person Well-Known Member

    SYTYCD is on Wednesday's at... 8? 9? Then America's Got Talent is next. I only watch that show cause it's amusing. lol.
    So I think the show is on like... 9.
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    wats on tv today then????
  10. person

    person Well-Known Member

    ^ I don't know. Just search around. But yeah, I only have like 2 channels, so meh. lol. Oh oh oh! Hell's Kitchen is on tonight on City TV at 9pm. WATCH IT! lol.
  11. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ lol it really is hell..chef is so mean to them...and i just foudn out liek last week there is an mtv canada channel =)
  12. person

    person Well-Known Member

    ^ haha nice. But Hell's Kitchen is awesome. I wonder how Mike (last season's winner) is doing... But yeah. lol.
    I wish it were Wed... then we could watch SYTYCD
    and for the ones who watched last season... any of you guys follow the breaker Ryan, and his group 'sickstep'? they're awesome... I ordered their dvd... but damn it, it's on back-order right now... I want the dvd now damn it!!!! lol
  13. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    u ordered from tv?? lol..wat??
  14. person

    person Well-Known Member

    ^ no no... ok... Ryan from last season in a bboyin crew called 'sickstep' I checked out their sites and stuff, and I became a fan, and ordered a DVD from the net. And... it's been like 3 weeks... and... on back-order... HURRY UP AND MAKE MORE DAMN IT!!!!! lol.
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol..sick step ehh..seems like the name orginated from six step..i need to learn some breaker moves..i can do some freezes and kinda windmill and thast it..anyways canadian idol is on lol
  16. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Psshh screw Canadian Idol... lol.
    No... sickstep one word... lol. They're really good. And cute too wah!!! =P
    But yeah... I was thinking of learning how to pop so ha yeah. lol.
  17. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    popping isn't that hard actually..and the wave is pretty easy..breaking is so sikkk
  18. person

    person Well-Known Member

    LOL sure man... show me some your stuff... popping can be just as hard.
    You have to perfect so much... to be able to stop perfectly, like to move like a robot... it's real hard. And the glides, also very difficult. It looks easy, but to try it... very hard. You have to control your muscles.
    Breakin is good too. You have to be VERY strong. Both are good. I like both... lol.
    But crumping is meh. It's like a rip off from popping anyways. All their best moves, all popping moves.
  19. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ lol..go b a bgirl
  20. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    they some ppl on that show that can do shit..its hilarious watchin em..