Solved: why we like sex so much By Jayne Atherton, Metro 31 March 2005 It's an enjoyable way to create babies, and normally a sure-fire way for couples to make up after a blazing row. But is sex really worth all the effort and hassle involved? In a bid to solve this riddle, scientists set about experimenting - with yeast. They used two strains, only one of which was able to reproduce sexually. Normally yeast cells are asexual but, by putting them under stress, the researchers forced male and female spores to develop. In a stress-free environment, both ' nonsexy' and 'sexy' yeast strains were found to reproduce at about the same rate. But a difference emerged in a harsher, higher-temperature environment. Over 300 generations, the growth rate of the sexually reproducing yeast rose by 94 per cent compared with only 80 per cent for the asexual yeast. The study, by a team from Auckland University, seems to back a theory by 19thcentury biologist August Weismann, who said sex enabled species to evolve faster. But because yeast has no 'male-female distinction', the results cannot be applied to most animals and plants, Dutch scientist Rolf Hoekstra told the journal Nature. ------- "It's an enjoyable way to create babies" it sure is enjoyable... but... enjoyable way to make babies? Source:
whats the difference btween create babies and make babies .......... ??? and i think its not the reason why we like sexs so much........,,,
well...don't we tend to like things that give us pleasure....or most of us do that for making way or the other..its still making babies.....
Any of a group of peptide hormones that bind to opiate receptors and are found mainly in the brain. Endorphins reduce the sensation of pain and affect emotions.
oh yeah...burns alota calories....if ur gettin any that is...and sex with urself doesn't count...hahahah
i dont know..i've seen some guys with unproportionally larger rights arms. havent seen a left one yet.