hahahhah woo thats my nigga, he's gonna blow away all them other new comers. yo some1 needs to put this dude on TV... lol damn I was rollin'. DUde didn't even need the beat... thats some skills right there.
yo I clicked this while I was watchin that video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB6W1qxwcUk&search=singing asian chinese cantonese black LOL lil dude gonna be the next usher.
The colored guy was gd, shuld hve joined a min to fame -lol that fat kid was just ...... *no comment* ...... -er
yo man wot r these niggas doing... joking, he's not bad! First time seeing a foreigner singing chinese!
Thats nothing new there's actually a program where they have people from all over the world (foreigners) come on and sing. Man my friend was way surprised when the africans came on and were speaking and singing perfect chinese. I think it's a annual show can't remember what it's called but was on phoenix here in the UK