Sonija Kwok & Sharon Luk Tout Guns and High Kicks

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Sonija Kwok & Sharon Luk Tout Guns and High Kicks

    Caption: Sonija Kwok and Sharon Luk's fighter images were extremely cool.
    Sonija Kwok Sin Lei and Sharon Luk Sze Wan filmed a clip for "China Kung Fu Star Competition, Hong Kong and Macau Division" 《中國功夫之星全球電視大賽港澳區選拔賽》yesterday. The beautiful women, Sonija and Sharon, demonstrated their fighting abilities. The pair touted guns and chased after thieves.
    It was extremely hot inside the studio. After filming several high flying kicks with several stunt men, Sonija's forehead was beaded with sweat.

    Sonija joked and said she fought 9 men in scenes for past ancient dramas. She may have appeared powerful onscreen, but she was often careful to avoid injuries and have her make-up remain intact during filming, as "an artist depends on her looks for a living."
    Despite her voluptuous figure, Sharon had to do wire scenes and hang from a staircase two stories in height. Sonija did not think that Sharon's curves interfered with the stunts.
    Sonija hopes to gain more weight, as she did not wish people to think she was too thin! Sonija said she will eat more when she was in good spirits. The press questioned whether that indicated Sonija's love life was good? "Not yet, but it is happier this way!"
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Sharon put in her best efforts at yesterday's filming. She had to hang on wires and fight several opponents. Although she was scared of heights, she successfully filmed the sequence.
    Source: Wenweipo, the Sun, Orientaldaily
    Credits: Jayne
  2. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    WHo is this Sharon GIrl. I dont know who she is
  3. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    seen her in A step into The Past and On The First Beat. i reckon shes kinda hot.
  4. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    voluptuous sharon? really?
  5. candy10013

    candy10013 Well-Known Member

    Sharon? is she one of contesant of hong kong pegant?
  6. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    kinda looks like tomb raider.
  7. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    There was a rumor of her having some surgery done.

    "Suki Chui, Sharon Luk and Sarah Song yesterday attended the ‘TVB Most Popular Commercials Award Ceremony 2007 Press Conference’. During the event, the host asked the 3 beauties to hold up their arms but Sharon refused to do so. Later, when asked by reporters if she refused because her underarms smelt or because she wanted to hide scarring from cosmetic surgery, Sharon denied the claims and expressed that she only believed it would look inelegant to lift up her arms."

    Also Sharon seems to have appeared in "The Family Link" too.
  8. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    never seen sharon before
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    it does u know...=)
  10. silence

    silence Well-Known Member

    Sonija Kwok makes such a sexy, bad ass cop =)

    Wonder how they fight in those heels though...
  11. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤


    Poor Sonija...such a bad shot of her
    Like this: =O
  12. johnnyfrmnorth

    johnnyfrmnorth Active Member


    this movie look interesting .
    chicks kicking asses is joinful!!!-bigclap
  13. s0urlem0n

    s0urlem0n Member

    wow they're so tough for girls..hahah for some reason looking at the pics reminded me of that series that was kinda like the charlies angels..can't remember the name..haha
  14. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Charlie's Angels style