My phone's still working and I am pretty broke >.<... Not to mention I'd rather save up for a new laptop than a new mobile. :(
^ You can pick up a pretty decent laptop when you back to HK. Wish i didnt buy mine from Dell so that i could have picked a better one when i was back in HK :(
I am sure I'll fare better with a good Sauvignon blanc in my hand... OMG, those Riedel stemwares are so nice!!! Never for a moment did I wonder why I am so broke... I can afford a decent laptop AND a new mobile if I can abstain from any luxurious culinary purchases... And shred a few pounds along the way too.
I just got a new phone not too long ago. like 2 months ago? I got a sony ericsson w880i. So i'm not planning to get a new one yet.