Soul Calibur V

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Tony, May 11, 2011.

  1. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    teaser just went up.

  2. SC4 got too boring for me after awhile. MK already took Kratos.. so i'm curious what kind of console exclusives they'll have tho.
  3. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    They can still license Kratos. I don't think Netherrealm has exclusive license to use Kratos in their game.
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    lol still got a long time to go until 2012. Nightmare is still one of my fav cos of his power but he's so slow, Seung-mina and Kilik is my fav sphere character, hmm don't really have a fav for close range.
  5. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Soul Edge (PSX) was as awesome as Tekken 2, but all other soul blades after that were rubbish imo, i think they should lay it to rest.. like they need to do with tekken now cus they dun goofed up.
  6. yea.. but wouldn't make sense or I mean.. wouldn't be as big since he's in MK already..
  7. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

  8. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    SC4......not really fond of it. I think MK9 drop a bomb on SC4 imo.
  9. ^ SC4 was out like 3 years ago... mk9 just came out. What the hell are you smoking? If a newer fighter doesn't top a previous fighter than what was the point?

    I didn't get into Soul Calibur till 4 came out and I used Darth Vader...
  10. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    GT5 and Forza 3 dropped a bomb on all the Racing games on the SNES.:trollface:

    As i said, Soul Edge was one of the best fighters of all time, the rest after that were rubbish, the only improvement has been better graphics.

    tekken was pioneering, tekken 2 was mind blowing, Tekken 3 was the best tekken, Tekken tag was the best tekken + tag, Tekken 4 was crap, tekken 5 was not as bad as tekken 4, tekken 6 is ruined, tekken tag 2 will be tekken 6 + tag which equals ruined. tekken 7 will be ruined unless you they go back to the tekken 3 model.
  11. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    dude, calm down. All i said was Mk9 drop a bomb on SC4. That's equally what you're saying: "If a newer fighter doesn't top a previous fighter than what was the point?"....... Who knos, maybe SC5 will make a bread outta MK9? hopefully ull understand that one.
  12. ^ I'm not mad or angry or anything just wondering why you made such a statement... its like saying:

    pretty redundant statement don't you think?
  13. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    nat saying u r mad, i just said to clam down.

    "GT5 and Forza 3 dropped a bomb on all the Racing games on the SNES" ..........nah, that's way too exaggerating because it's two different console, and different gens........SC4 and MK9 isnt.
  14. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    pretty much lol....i don't like fighting games except tekken really...never really bought other fighting games. but like mk9 they could go back to basics but they will have to make it match with the times so it will be successful. Can't just upgrade the graphics and call it a new game( well unless you are call of duty you can simply ship the same game with a different name)
  15. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member
