Star Wars: The Old Republic Footage!

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by [N], Dec 14, 2008.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

  2. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer


    This will be the first MMORPG that i will be willing to pay to play

    omg im already debating whether to play light or dark...
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    haha man i would like to play too, but not pay... could just imagine a group of 100 jedis slaying some huge monster. wonder if you can play as wookiees and others but i know everyone would just go jedi for the lightsabers lol, cause they own.
  4. WHen i comes out ill get it, i have NO IDEA about star wars so hopefully a person like me can still play it.

    to bad you aint got a pc that can handle it haha :p
  5. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^yo man you never played the first 2? some of the best games ever especially the first one, changed my perspective on what an rpg can be and how good a game story can really be. it was classic. yea sucks i'm not gonna upgrade my pc for a while, only play new games on my ps3, not gonna waste a grand on a fucking gaming pc.
  6. ^ naa i aint played them, the only one i played was the one out on the SNES looooooong ago, was a good game too. but i heard they messed up one of the star wars games when they kept nerfing it and adding one of those hard to get characters (jedi or something) as a starter character which casued lots of people to rage quit or something like that.

    Though i HOPE im wrong i feel this is gona get rushed and end up doing an 'AoC', i hope they dont rush this game and i hope they dont go putting in a bunch of servers causing the population to be to thinly spread out like WAR which imo is ruined because of the lack of population due to to much servers.

    i know what your saying bout the PC, i only upgraded from AGP to PCI-E a couple months ago.
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^dunno what you talking about. ur talking about battlefront II where the jedi comes out and nothing is fair? or just stuff from bioware cause bioware only made the first kotor. the second was obsidian or something but damn that game took me like close to 20 hours to get the lightsaber cause i went to the big map first. but when you get it, its like a fucking orgasm. you basically own everything in sight haha. those short lightsabers/dagger ish look gay though. double blades are average. dual weilding ftw!
  8. ^ i have no idea which game it was, but im sure bioware had nothing to do with it, it prolly is battlefront II
  9. TrueTai

    TrueTai Member

    i can't waittt ahhhh xD thanks