StarCraft 2: Spilt 3 Ways

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Akki, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Way to go Blizzard! now every just has to play while waiting for the next expansion to spend another $35+ on...

    #1 Akki, Oct 14, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2008
  2. singlung2099

    singlung2099 Well-Known Member

    What source did you get this from? Cause if it's real then they've really screwed the fans over with this. I'd rather wait a bit longer and get a full game than get 3 cut down games
  3. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Wow, I really see how they want to make loads of money through SC: 2.
    And for those fans out there, they will definately pay for the game and all the other 3 expansion.

    Even if you're not an hardcore fan, you still might be tempted to get the rest of the expansion after you got the original.
    But I think it's kind of a cheap tactic to make more revenue as they already mult-million company.
  4. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    what the heck! It's cheating!!! Why are they doing this to us?
  5. to take your moneiez....durr.....
  6. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    well... the games will be full standalone... apparently

    the only problem i see is how multiplayer will be affected? i mean can we really complain about this if they treated this trilogy as expansion sets?

    it's also very clear they're very VERY far from a complete game... they're just barely touching the Terran campaign which is supposed to be the first campaign... so waiting on the full game may take 3-5 more yrs, and by then graphics engines will be redone... and they'd pretty much have to start from scratch... again -.-;
  7. maybe the game will never be released =O lol oh my.....
  8. Chink_Mouse

    Chink_Mouse Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I read about this on a website covering blizzcon, each campaign better be as long as a full game, or this is just total BS and a cheap way to take your money. The person at blizzard that came up with this idea needs to be shot >.<"

    what would be interesting to know is if the multiplay is same thourghtout the 3 games (ie. someone with the 1st game could play with someone who bought both 1st and 2nd games... unlike SC original and BW)
  9. ^ im sure online play will default it to maps both users have, and maybe patches for those playing 1st to see new characters/skills in the updated versions... but not necessarily be able to use them -shrug
  10. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    u know... it really could be 3 stand alone games... each campaign could be years after each other... so maybe the units will get upgrades + graphic engine pushes too...

    it really would make for an epic game... I mean honestly, the Terrans look to be completely stacked right now, 5 battlecruisers could probably destroy a planet of zerg by themselves... so maybe each game could give each race time to evolve/upgrade their techs further...
  11. I'm thinking each installment will be at least 6-9months apart, it gives people time to master tactics that may deem useful or be obsolete by the next game.... i think i might even get into it.... never was too big a fan for this stuff.
  12. kollunz

    kollunz Member

    Blizzard already makes MILLIONS each month with World of Warcraft, having people buy 3 games won't make as much compared to that. I hope for their own sake that these 3 starcraft games will be worth it! We've waited to dang long for it. For now I'll hope on starcraft us-west, anyone up for some games?
  13. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    I'm sure you don't have to pay for all 3 to play online. I'm assuming you get to play different campaigns based on which one you buy. You can probably download the other 2 :p
  14. FUCK! how did i miss this thread?!?!

    i challenge you to an sc match! nao!
  15. djsoundmixer

    djsoundmixer Member

    Cant wait to get this game

  16. by missing this thread... you have proven yourself a n00b.... lol
  17. ^ lol ok.

    yes, i am a noob for not playing in months, a tad rusty
  18. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member

    soo basically buy one game for the multiplayer... and download the other two for the story ^^