Stephen Fung Talks About Split With Karen Mok

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Dec 18, 2007.

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    Monday December 17, 2007 Hong Kong

    During a concert performance in Taiwan last week, Karen Mok (莫文蔚) announced that her relationship of over eight years with Stephen Fung (馮德倫) had ended and announced that she had written a song "I Wanted To Tell You All Along" <其實我一直都想對你說> to share her feelings.

    Following this revelation, there have been reports breaking in the tabloids suggesting that the reason for the split was down to Stephen becoming involved in a relationship with a married woman. To clear up these rumours, Stephen took time out from filming an advertisement yesterday to meet the press and tell his side of the story.

    Asked about the reasons behind why he split with Karen, Stephen said that when two people are together, there are often inherent problems and Karen's song explains it very well. As for the rumours about him having an affair with a married woman, he clarified that there was no third party in their relationship and the woman and child featured in the reports is actually his sister-in-law and his nephew. He added that as he works in the public eye, he does not mind the paparazzi following him, but he does not want his family to be affected too, especially the the child, who is only three years old.

    Stephen was asked if there is a chance of him getting back together with Karen and he said that no-one knows what the future will bring, but he just wants to concentrate on his work for now. As for reports that he was seen dining with Karen earlier in the month, he explained that they had reached an amicable agreement during the split and they still remain good friends, so it is not unusual for them to still meet up.

    Asked why it has taken them a year to announce their split and if this was due to the promotion of Karen's album, Stephen said that this suggestion was very unfair to Karen and she was being very brave by making such an announcement to the press and the public. He added that they have never used their relationship as publicity or to make news and in the same way, they will not use their split in this way.

    As for whether he feels regret at the end of such a long relationship, Stephen said that the romance was deeply ingrained inside him and when his career reached a low point, she was always there to support him. He said that was very unhappy when they split up, but he will cherish the memories, even though he has put it behind him now. Asked who initiated the split, Stephen refused to say.

    Karen announced the news of their split during the last show of her concert run in Taipei, where she performed some raunchy dance routines and wore some provocative outfits that sent the fans into quite a frenzy.

    credits: batgwa.
  2. tien317

    tien317 Well-Known Member

    Well...can reporters leave them alone....Let them have some privacy...sigh....sad case....
  3. robocup

    robocup Active Member

    didn't even realised that they were together
  4. michelle7879

    michelle7879 Well-Known Member

    Pls leave them alone.... give them some privacy.. please.............

  5. amoureux

    amoureux Active Member

    oh my.. i didnt know that they had split. you mean like they'd split one year ago and kept the news until now? its quite sad..
  6. awwww... more than 8 yrs... it's abt time... they did well...

    from the lyrics of her song it just seems like their passion died n both of them have been feeling very empty from the relationship... typical reason to breakup for lots of ppl... even marriages...

    i'm sure they made this decision together n it's for the best
  7. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    I agree the reporter should just leave them alone especially their family member