Street Fighter: The Ties that Bind

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by drsnoopy, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    Review: Street Fighter IV: The Ties that Bind

    Capcom disappointed me. .

    So there's still a lot of things that Capcom hasn't explained in between the events of SF2 and SF3, and sadly for us, this OVA doesn't tell us diddily squat. It does a bit explaining of what happened post SF2, while doing a little set up for SF4, but... it still didn't cut it. It certainly wasn't worth the $80 for the SFIV:CE.

    The quality of the anime is lack-lustre, and throughout the entire movie, I was thinking to myself... KOF anime movie was a much better quality anime. There are no significant appearances by really anybody that you were dying to see, mainly Akuma, Gouken, or even Bison. But Sakura and Chun-Li appear throughout the entire movie (which is good...but that still didn't make up for the lack lustre storyline, or the fact that it was boring as hell overall). C. Viper is basically the big storyline in this movie, but even that is minimized. Again, due to actual lack of story. If Capcom was smart, they'd actually flesh out SFIV anime, and do a good job putting everything together...but they didn't.

    Dubbing sucks. Watch the Japanese, plus eng subtitles.

    Grade: D

    This is what you get for messing with my SF emotions.

    You might as well watch this KOF

    See this difference?
    #1 drsnoopy, Feb 21, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2009
  2. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    what difference are u trying to get us to see? they're both trailers o_O
  3. hayato2000

    hayato2000 Well-Known Member

    well i gues they focused more on the gameplay part than the anime, i totally agree with, the anime could fleshed more
  4. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    If you look at the anime and do the comparison. SF is washed out, while KOF has better color right off the hop. KOF actually posted here is not a trailer. It was only a 6 min anime with 4 parts. So in total it was 24 mins long and was more solid than the 65 min street fighter anime.
  5. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    well for one thing, they're youtube videos so quality is meh...

    and the second thing is, it's not a quality issue... it's a style issue... they're both clearly of different drawing styles... it's apparent since both games had different styling as well... if nething, the actual animating was more fluid in the SF video than the KOF video...
  6. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member


    I gave those youtube videos as examples. I own the actual SFIV anime movie.
  7. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    ^ok and i don't see how u owning the actual video makes any point in this convo considering you posted samples, of your choosing... i'm just pointing out... from the samples u gave us... what i see... and that is, the art style is clearly different, hence the colours will be different... and that the actual animation is more fluid in the SF video...
  8. dude its different drawing and animation styles, one is not better than the other, its down to preference if you place high importance on the drawing style. Personally i would never fork out for these OVA, $80 is way to much imo but if thats what they are charging then w/e

    i cant comment on the storyline, not that i care about that stuff

    i love chibi >.<
  9. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    at least it came with a sound track
  10. Jose Lopez

    Jose Lopez Member

    SF4 fans are going nuts right now, went to the mall and saw a bunch of ppl competing to win.....