Does anyone have the sub theme song but by the female singer instead of Moses? And who is she? They had it on in the last episode. ________ GM FOODS
yea i wanna know too...i like the female version of the song too...if anybody knows...can you please let us know??
yep its sung by Gigi can find it in this thread:
lolz when was this how cum i did not hear da song? i proabbly missed it =X can sumwhun tell me da time n episode?
It was played in the last episode in the DVD version, when fire sir was in hospital because he got shot and he was thinking back between him and maggie sui. I noticed that it didn't play in the HDzone version though which was episode 34
I cant even get into the thread which is like damn annoyin cuz i've been tryin fo months! , anyone has anywhere else to download dis song?