Wednesday May 2, 2007 Hong Kong Sunny Chan's Wife Gives Birth to 7lb 7oz Baby Having openly yearned to be a father earlier, Sunny Chan's wish has come true yesterday. His wife Ada To was earlier spotted by the press when she was admitted into hospital to prepare for the birth and yesterday morning, she gave birth to a baby boy. Sunny Chan was interviewed on the phone by Nancy Sit and he said that his son is 7lb 7oz and the nurses at the hospital say that the baby looks more like him. He did accompany his wife into the labour ward, but left just before the birth. Asked if he was afraid of the blood, he denies this: "It is Chinese tradition. He did well though, my wife was only in labour for about six or seven hours. (What will you give your wife as a gift?) She doesn't want anything, she has me to look after her and that is enough." Sunny indicates that his wife will be breastfeeding, so he will be preparing papaya and fish soup and he will look after her whilst she is resting in the first month because it is important for women to look after themselves during this time. Sunny says that at first, he was worried that the baby was too heavy and it would be difficult for his wife to give birth naturally and also that his son might not have any fingers or toes. Sunny says he has named his son 'Ah Hung Jai' as a pet name, but he will leave the Chinese name to the masters to select because he does not have enough knowledge on literature. In order to prepare for the birth, Sunny has taken a month off and he says that he helped to bring up his younger sister, so he is not worried at all. However, when someone mentioned that bringing children up nowadays is different from the past, he did go to some parenting classes. After attending the class, he has found that nothing has changed. Asked if he will have any more children, he smiles that if they can, he would like to have one or two more, but three or four would be even better. He laughs: "I'd like a few more so when we play Mah Jong as a family it is easier. The happiest thing for me is to give my mother a great gift for Mothers Day." credits: tvbspace.