Sweaty Man Electrocuted By PC

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by [N], Aug 8, 2007.

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    From switched.com

    Sweaty Man Electrocuted By PC - and Other Gadget-Related Deaths
    Posted Aug 4th 2007 2:03PM by Terrence O'Brien
    Filed under: Computers

    Seems tech has a contract out for geeks.

    Let this be a warning to all of you: Don't touch the inside of your PC when you are wet. According to Shanghai Daily, a young man, simply identified as "Wu," was shocked to death by his PC.

    Wu took the case off the outside of his PC to prevent it from overheating. For some unexplained reason, he was not running the air conditioner in his home, so he wasn't wearing that much clothing. At some point, his sweaty leg came in contact with his PC's innards and Wu was dealt the deadly jolt -- 380 volts right from his PC's power supply.

    Let's not forget that gadgets are electric, after all, and these kinds of deaths can happen just like that, so follow the precautions you'd take with any other electricity-powered device (like don't touch it if you're wet!).

    But electrocution is not the only hazard that can come with a gadget. Take a look at some of the other tech-related deaths we have covered in the past few months (surprisingly, there are a lot more than just these).

    We hope each of the following examples will serve as some kind of warning for you:

    Cell Phone Battery Explodes, Kills Worker: This one happened in China, where a factory worker's cell phone in his chest pocket exploded, sending shards into his chest.

    Kid Drowns in Lake After Cell Phone Sinks: This poor kid went diving after his cell phone in a lake. He never came back up.

    Man Drowns After Phone Drops in Sewer: This one isn't good for the claustrophobes: This Michigan man went after his dropped cell phone in a sewer, got stuck face-down, and drowned with his feet sticking up street level.

    damn sucks for the guy, dude got electrocuted cause he was sweaty...
  2. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    freaky! not the best way to go ... but i suspect it beats dying in a sewer with his face in there.
  3. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    It's true; computers are going to kill us! And to think there will be only more and more electronic gadgets/robots made to serve the lazy humankind.
  4. reflection

    reflection Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine how he'd have his leg inside his PC...besides if he stuck his foot in there by chance, which is an odd occurrence as well. Condolences to his family, and to those of the different cases as well.
  5. yumdedumjenn

    yumdedumjenn Well-Known Member

    oh damn, i wouldnt want to be in his spot. next time i'm gonna let the computer guys handle my computer =D
  6. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    My condolences to the family. But this is just too funny to not laugh at.
  7. Jerjai

    Jerjai Well-Known Member

    all these freak accidents happening. shows you that not everything is as safe as they are
  8. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    that was just asking for trouble..
  9. winsguy

    winsguy Member

    freaky things happened everyday in this world but still... life have to go on.....................
  10. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    man......thats just sad ........i mean all he wanted to do was save a lil bit money and not turn on the AC
  11. distemper

    distemper Well-Known Member

    i dont think any of the posts are funny at all. It's known that there are a lot of fake batteries from china which has caused a lot of explosions and injuiries..

    I guess it's not surprising given all the media exposure about made in china stuff ...
  12. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    wow shanghi runs 380 volts? lucky here is the US, we only run 120
  13. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    shit. i should be careful and close the windows when its raining. my pc is right in front of the window and whenever it rains, i still keep the windows opened.
  14. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Man I wouldn't like to die by getting shocked by a pc...people will think you're such a nerd...