15 million dead due to heart problems.... 6000 dead due to swine flu. You do the math. The media are fucktards, they should be advertising weight loss solutions instead of H1N1 vaccines.
^ and he shouldn't .. i highly recommend that you don't get the vaccine. there is not enough testing done for this vaccine. it's too rush and the last time that happened, the US paid a hefty amount of $$$ for the mess afterward.
My dad has been pushing for it. I won't be getting it though, I have a friend who is a 4th year nursing student. She had to take it and she feels like crap right now. Its not worth it.
It's the media that brought up the risks of the vaccine, and also the one promoting the vaccine, always the media. If I'm this lucky to catch the swine in the city, it's my fate unfortunately, the vaccine still not 'safe' enough.
its air born i'm for it, end of story. If u choose not to then good for u but when it hits close to home you're not going to be so cool anymore.
I guess it's true for topic, most of the death is either your really young and still have weak immune system, or your really unhealthy.
I don't think this data can be use in comparison with other disease... ex: Heart disease can't be treated with a shot... it's cause by long term issues.. But things like H1N1 only come in waves, it only impact most people a month or two than its gone... Whenever something can be transmitted in the air and be spread, it gets people very scare You might get hit by it or you might not...
Didn't they test the vaccine on monkeys? And it only took a few months to develop... sure.. it's fast and a quick solution... but is it safe?? Vaccines normally take like years to develop no?
of course, it takes years to develop a vaccine. whilst this is only a mutated version of the regular seasonal flu virus, doesn't mean it can be safe without extensive testing. that's why i am not getting it. imagine if the virus mutates again .. it can become just as deadly .. remember the hype about the avian flu .. there were people dying all over and the gov was giving out order how to distribute the tamiflu med .. who should be given first, etc... avian flu never become an epidemic like they have anticipated. i personally think this h1n1 is blown out of proportion by the WHO. in fact, i don't even think the number of deaths add up to even the regular seasonal flu deaths annually.
well..for sure i'm not getting the h1n1 shot anytime... my family tends to rely in the "ancient" ways of treating stuff...like "scratching wind" and using chinese herbs..lmao...
^ http://www.asian-central.com/stuffasianpeoplelike/2008/02/21/11-eagle-tiger-balm/ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080125014456AATGhgj now you know wat it is...
^lol he's not really chinese chinese its understandable. just read Paterson declared health emergency for the swine flu, it sounds serious but i dont sense the worries from the new yorkers, i guess only the parents and elderly are
i wouldn't trust the vaccine...that one cheerleader got that weird problem where she can only walk backwards from the vaccine..
^ wtf .. lol .. i didn't hear anything about that. well, as of now, h1n1 is only a pandemic .. not an epidemic yet so no worry and i don't suppose it will ever be. the media really fucked up on this along with WHO. @blperc .. it's called "scraping" .. not "scratching wind" .. lol dude, that's typical in vietnam too .. so of course, i know what it is ..