T-ARA to Start Promoting as a 9-Member Girl Group this July!

Discussion in 'Korean Entertainment' started by Jeff, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯


    The news is out and sadly there's nothing we can do but accept it, T-ara has transformed from 7 to a 9-member girl group.
    On the 6th of April CCM's CEO, Kim Kwangsoo announced, "T-ara will change from 7 members to 9 members. T-ara's system will change and if it's needed, we'll make the drastic decision of replacing members by bringing in new members" followed by "In July, T-ara will release and promote a new album with new members. They'll change how they are to fit the 9 of them together."

    Kim Kwangsoo also expressed that after a while, humans and celebrities will change and can become lazy which leads to their fall. Kwangoo said the change to 9 members can help them stay successful and not turn out that same way.

    He also added, "A lot of fans are worried and concern for the changes happening to T-ara, but our management knows very well what can happen if the changes aren't made. T-ara will be in a situation where there will be very intense competition, and we don't want to think that they'll not be able to grow. T-ara went through a lot of hard practice to debut as idols. They need to continue to constantly work harder."

    Kim Kwangsoo also wanted to emphasize, "T-ara's controversies including greeting problems, stage attitude problems, etc, as T-ara's CEO, I'm sorry to the fans. Core Contents Media's staff and T-ara are working very hard to make sure to avoid all controversies."

    He ended it by saying "If the members are lazy, or harmful to other members including the new members, we'll make the bold decision to remove and replace them with new members."

    Meanwhile the new members will be joining T-ara when they make their Korean comeback this July.

    Credits: nearnine@t-araworld
  2. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    The CEO is a moron, he's using Tara to launch these new girls one after another, more publicity for them w/o wasting money on forming a new group. It really messes with the dynamic of the group.
  3. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Going to make things turn to chaotic if things goes wrong. Removing/Replacing members just ain't right
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Taking out a member will just take away a lot of the fanbase for sure. Adding in members is hard to tell, some fans can accept it and some can't.

    I prefer that if a group is debuted as x amount of members, leave it that way. Unless the singer leaves and is not forced by the company to leave, then I can accept that the group has 1 less member.

    Lets see how it turns out.. i still haven't learned all their names yet.. ahaha. Can't wait for Lovey Dovey Japanese version though.
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I just know Jiyeon haha
  6. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    How can anyone remember their names when they have changes almost every year or so...

    Their CEO even threatening to fire them. Better not cross this fker cause he seem like the type that hopes grudges. I'm not sure if it's him but I remember some CEO of these music companies threatening/scolding Kara when they had their contract dispute.
  7. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Jiyeon, EunJung, Hyomin.. and Boram (because she's the shortest one LOL)

    Didn't Hara chose to resign with their company to continue on as KARA? I wonder if that was forced or not
  8. Thats what happened to u-kiss and the fans were pretty upset. But the change made the group better imo xD

    U forgot Qri! =p

    I think it was their parents that wasnt happy with the contract and they made less than they should.
  9. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    wthjell is this IAM thing.