Tablet suggestions

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by person, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. person

    person Well-Known Member

    So I'm looking to get a tablet for school purposes. I'm tired of lugging my 16 inch laptop to and from school, and I've already dented it by accident.

    I know nothing about tablets, my only use for it would be to type up notes (I know I'll probably have to purchase an extra keyboard for that) and be able to download and few my pdf/word/etc notes.

    I'd rather not get an apple unless they have a good deal (let's face it, they won't.)
    And I dislike apple anyway. I have yet to break and purchase any of their products, and I don't want to start now.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, great Android tablet.
    Asus Transformer Prime, powerful tablet, which you can buy a keyboard that transforms it into a netbook.

    I would recommend getting the Transformer Prime, because the cost of both tablet + keyboard is less than the full cost of an ipad. It not only doubles the battery, it gives you more usb ports you can use. The benefit is that it truly transforms into a netbook which you can use easily (unlike a bluetooth keyboard). The Prime runs on a new CPU which gives you much more power when you need it.

    The only downside is the support, as it is not a common device like the ipad or Samsung's Galaxy tab. However being an owner of a Transformer, it was perhaps one of my best purchases.

    Highly recommend the Asus Transformer Prime.
  3. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    I would actually wait and see what's new with the iPad 3 besides the "high res" display. Or wait for the newer Android Tablets that should be coming out soon. Asus Transformer Prime is one of the best one right now though.
  4. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

  5. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Hmm, the Transformer definitely looks like a good choice. But as of right now, out of my price range. I'll keep an eye out for it though.
  6. alupin79

    alupin79 Well-Known Member

    Or maybe wait for the Galaxy Note 10.1. Its essentially a Galaxy Tab 10.1 with a stylus.
  7. Perhaps can you find the first Transformer? It may or may not be cheaper, and it does not have the same computing power as the new one, but it all depends on your needs. Do make sure that your budget is realistic compared to your needs. Good luck
  8. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    In terms of productivity, Android would be the way to to. As already mentioned, the galaxy and transformer and great devices. Along with the possibility of the motorola xoom.
  9. mytlcs

    mytlcs Well-Known Member

    i had a galaxy tab 10.1 16gb $399. - i sold it within 1 week and got a lenovo idealab 10.1 32gb for $299. i'm happy with the new one.. it does everything like the first one and has more stuff on it.. one the storage it's double the capacity and $100 cheaper... has sd card reader so expandable, hdmi slot to output to tv. i got the android over ipad so i can easily watch these rmvb format drama without having to convert them and so easy to transfer them onto the tablet (it's too much work on the ipad). if u can wait.. get the win 8 tablet :)
  10. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    these tablets are like jello, have to be very careful with it even with protective gears on it.

    Idiot friend dropped his ipad2 and broken it, the screen was cracked and it didn't work right, it was only around 3 foot drop but still did so much damage. He had to go to apple store and pay half in order to get a new one.

    Before you buy a tablet, ask yourself if you are one of those people who drops things all the time or not...
  11. Lol that's because it's an ipad... you're comparing two different devices here...

    Some Android devices are made with Gorilla glass, that doesn't shatter as easily as iOS devices. Also, you drop anything, it breaks. So avoid dropping it.
  12. spider-man

    spider-man Well-Known Member

    I also want to get a tablet.
    Thanks for the suggestions.
    I'm thinking of getting Asus Transformer Prime 16GB currently cost $500CND.
    $150CND for the Keyboard/Docking Station.

    ipad2 is $570CND.

    Price is almost the same.

    Watch "Asus Transformer Prime vs. Apple iPad 2" on Youtube.
  13. No, the 32GB is $500. If they do offer the 16GB then it should be $400.

    Also, One does not simply compare an iPad to a Transformer Prime, or any Android tablet.
  14. spider-man

    spider-man Well-Known Member

  15. spider-man

    spider-man Well-Known Member

    oh, I was wrong again. this comes with the Docking Station.
    So, Asus Transformer Prime 16GB + Docking Station currently cost is $500.

    so, docking station is used to add external devices?

    ok, i'll buy it on another website.

    I did some more research. The docking station is actually the keyboard.
    The older model TF101-A2-CBIL comes in 16GB.

    TF201-C1-CG-CBI​L is the newest model which comes in 32GB or 64GB.

    I read the reviews for these products and most people said that the "The range on WIFI seems a bit weak".
  16. spider-man

    spider-man Well-Known Member

    I don't think I can afford a Transformer Prime.
    I'm thinking of getting a Playbook or Kindle Fire.
    I'm still thinking of which one to get.
  17. yellowtrash

    yellowtrash Member

    apple will still continue to make the iPad 2 and it's been discounted to $399USD.

    I'd go with an Asus Transformer. In the next few months, Asus will release a cheaper version of their Prime which will be in plastic instead of aluminum to cut cost.
  18. Oh is that so? Though I like the material quality of the aluminum, I wonder if the plastic one would look better.
  19. spider-man

    spider-man Well-Known Member

    Wooooo, "the new ipad" for $500. I'm thinking about getting this one now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!