The cast of TVB’s new period drama, Property Protector <守業者>, are going through rough schedules. It was reported that the cast members of the Leung Choi Yuen (梁材遠) drama, such as Raymond Cho (曹永廉), and Katy Kung (龔嘉欣) have been suffering fatigue. The stars were reported to have had no more than three hours of rest per day, and Katy Kung also admitted to have pulled an all-nighter for studio filming. Lead star Tavia Yeung (楊怡), who was scheduled to appear at the Shanghai TV Festival to promote The Hippocratic Crush 2 <On Call 36小時II> yesterday, backed out at the last minute, reportedly falling ill. It turned out that Tavia’s situation was more serious than expected. Yesterday, Tavia’s sister and fellow actress, Griselda Yeung (楊卓娜), replied to a worried Tavia fan on Weibo, saying, “[Tavia] slept in the hospital for two days. She was released last night! Don’t worry!” Tavia also reassured her fans that she is feeling well and resting. She wrote on her Weibo, “Thank you to all the fans, although I didn’t come [to the festival] today. I apologize. But I did see the beautiful flowers you all gave me. Thank you everyone for the hard work! Much appreciated.” Creds: Apple Daily
F-ing TVB.... still dont understand y all the rushes and harsh treatment.... It's not like the dramas will be aired all at once....Some are still in the warehouse.... so y the rush?