The drama series <Heart of Greed 2 a.k.a Moonlight Resonance>, which was going to have its last episode aired on Sunday, has increased ratings every week. Moreover, its casts were viewed as the hot contenders for this year TV King and TV Queen, such as Lee Sze Kei, Lee Heung Kam, Michelle Yim and Ha Yu from the veteran level, whose acting skills have early received recognition. Tavia Yeung from the fa-dan level also stood out in the drama <Moonlight> and was pointed by the citizens as a hot contender for winning the TV Queen status. The influence of <Heart> has also brought Tavia Yeung a lot of opportunities of earning income from side jobs, such as advertisements and stage performances. As a result, she planned to change her car and apartment. She said: “I have more jobs now, enabling me to change my car and apartment. But I will not be hasty. I will only buy when I find a suitable car and apartment. I will take the chance to earn more money before <Heart>’s heat subsided. Fortunately, I will start filming a new series in November. Now I have more time to earn income from side jobs.” As for being pointed as the hot contender for TV Queen, she said: “It’s really unexpected. I have not thought about it before. Actually, I’m already very happy to receive audiences’ approval. Whether or not I get an award is not important. Moreover, I think it’s not yet time for me to get an award.” It Has to Do with Character Tavia Yeung believed that receiving approvals for her acting skill is more important than receiving an award. She said: “Every artiste will put in hard work and will be discovered by people one day. I think the audiences know that I have always put in hard work but only lacking a role that has potential to show off. Ah Yuet’s character finally enables me to stand out and receiving approvals from the outside world. It can be seen that timing is important. Actually the character Ah Yuet makes my confidence goes up. Perhaps it can be said as an injection to strengthen the heart. Perhaps my personality is more down-to-earth. I feel that receiving audiences’ approvals on my acting skill is already enough. I will only see award as a bonus. I will face it with a calm heart.” Each cast has prepared well when filming <Moonlight>, reading and memorizing the script well, because we all hope that <Moonlight> will win over <Heart>. Tavia Yeung said: “During the filming of <Moonlight>, the communication between the casts is not a problem. Therefore, there was no pressure. In contrast, because filming needs to be quick for rushing the series for airing and the long lines in the script that makes it a bit hard to bear. However, our hard work is not wasted. I feel that every artiste is a main leading artiste. We can’t lose any of them. There is no unnecessary character in the series. It’s a team, everyone has his/her own value for being there.” To Tavia, <Moonlight> has brought her both increases in income and fame. Foreseeable, 2008 is a year full of income for her. However, she has also experienced a loss, that is her health. She said: “There is less resting, therefore I need to go see Chinese Doctor for treatment. But this is the incidental burden of an artiste, so I don’t mind.” Translation: Akazukin @