What do you think? And also, Do you hate anyone in your group that u might've worked with in the past...academic, school, sport, community? No names, just situation...
i dont hate...i'm just wary of a guy that used to be in my class... we're more like a acquaintances...hi/bye that sort of thing... i cant be all buddy buddy friends with a guy that touched me....although he apologised..its a bit awkward... but hey forgive n forget... ur guna go through life an work with many diff pple in or out your group...an sometimes there mite be differences between ya but in the end...u just do ur best to work it an compromise....
lol...nor do i.... but i guess op tryin ask or wanna find out if anyone hates anyone in their group or whateva... their title is confusing but i kinda got gist of what they were tryin to say.......i think...=S
i've been mia from these forums for a while, and come back and notice this dude asking a lot of questions... don't wanna hate, but sounds like a spammer -.-
Been noticing that for quite a while, I think we all know what he's trying to achieve -whistle, wait til he finds the truth out. Back on topic. I'm pretty much an individual worker, but if I'm force to work in a group, I either be team leader, or maybe co-leader
is this like who u hate in ur groups, lol i just dont like the show offs or the ppl who Blow Water. lol or those Smartasses lol