Texas lawmaker: Asians should change their names to make them ‘easier for Americans to deal with.’ On Tuesday, State Rep. Betty Brown (R) caused a firestorm during House testimony on voter identification legislation when she said that Asian-Americans should change their names because they’re too hard to pronounce: “Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese — I understand it’s a rather difficult language — do you think that it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here?” Brown said. Brown later told [Organization of Chinese Americans representative Ramey] Ko: “Can’t you see that this is something that would make it a lot easier for you and the people who are poll workers if you could adopt a name just for identification purposes that’s easier for Americans to deal with?” Yesterday, Brown continued to resist calls to apologize. Her spokesman said that Democrats “want this to just be about race.” From : http://thinkprogress.org/2009/04/09/brown-asian-names/ -huh?
Goto the URL and check out some of the comments being made. Its pathetic beyond words. USA have been called the global melting pot. The African Americans have all lost their identity and knowledge of their origins, not to mention their surname. Now they are targeting the Asians to be anglocized ?
Good thing she's old. Won't be around for long to continue spitting out stupid things. Some of the comments are pretty funny.
I keep sensing that all the Anti China sentiments that is brewing now are rooted in racist origins. To us, China and being Chinese are both quite different experience. To the redneck squirts, we are all and the same. And she is a lawmaker for crying out loud... Check out her latest response. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6365320.html She is NOT apologizing at all and defends her comments ! Arghz.
Yeah, she's rather us change our names than learn our language. We take the time to learn English. Wtf.
Texas, how i love thee. The home of most of america's obese people, BBQ champions and red necks. Many asians already do have alternate anglicized names. You know how many Asian Stephens/Stevens there are out there? shit's ridiculous lol What would have been hilarious is if she had used slang like 'chinamen' instead of asian-americans hahahaha
Here is another issue that have been brewing in my mind. Like take India and China as a comparison. India is getting so much less flake from the US although it have been accuse of taking away jobs and manufacturing fake drugs, causing pollution etc. Almost exactly the same set of evils that China have been accused of. Why are they having a better time then China? Because the Indians speaks English so much better then the Mainland Chinese, thats why.
^ lol indian last names aren't too bad... The worst are thai, laos or cambodian. Hello mister Keosoudavannavong Oudomphonephaivanh How are you doing today?
Oh man... lol. Thats indeed a mouthful. I can understand the stunt she is trying to pull. Right now the President is a African American, so she can't really take on the African American community, so well who does she choose to pick on ? I have mention in another thread that Bashing and Blaming China for all of the world's ills is fast becoming a trend in American Politics. But she is really going overboard with this.
I'm changing my name to one of the most complicated Asian names and move next to her. This over inflated, self righteous bitch suffers from the "full from dinner with nothing better to do" syndrome.
Well that just highlight how stupid and lazy some Americans are...things too hard for them they're not gonna bother doing it...
haha, nice, now i can change my name. It should be "Betty Brown is a racist bitch, and should burn in hell". I think american can read that. oppss i think my grammar is bad cuz i'm chinese.
wth!!Chinese names aren't that difficult considering that the non-chinese here aren't complaining.Even if they can't spell the name,they can atleast spell one 'word' of the surname like Liu,Wong,etc. I won't change my Chinese name even for all the Gold in Earth...A name is something important and i think it's unique
feck off ~ a name is unique and represents who you are and just to change it cos some bint wants to. GO DIE IN A FIRE!!!! to change just to make it easier for them lazy fat-ass Americans ~ PISH!
some Chinese friends of my do have an alternative western names like william or vincent. so they do have a pronouncable name like that. how about russia ? are they asians too? although, what are "americans"? everybody in america except asians? because they are the people who are finding the asian name hard to deal with. btw, why am i defending americans? Europe FTW.
In the USA, a lot of asians have like a western first name already because it does make it easier for most americans, god knows how many times they killed the pronunciation, but the last name will stay because it's part of who we are. These things always seem to come from Texas, go figure.