The 7th Generation Of Console Gaming

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by johnnyDANGerous, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. johnnyDANGerous

    johnnyDANGerous Well-Known Member

    In the 6th Generation PlayStation 2 sold over 100 million and could be considered dominant over the other 6th generation consoles like Xbox and GameCube.

    The 7th Generation of consoles begun last year when Xbox 360 was released. Later this year the PlayStation 3 and the Nintendo Wii will be released.

    Who do you think will be the best-selling 7th Generation console? PS3? 360? Wii? Are you planning to buy any particular console or have you already bought one?

    What do you think about the prices of each console?
  2. Drunken_Idiot

    Drunken_Idiot Well-Known Member

    Have prices for the Wii be confirmed?
  3. someguy

    someguy Active Member

    sorry to rune your fun... but do you know that the PS3 will not come with a HD cable..... not only that during testing the HDDVD out proformed bluray.....

    I think sony really need to get there act sorted out... cause in it's current state I don't see PS3 going very far.
  4. Drunken_Idiot

    Drunken_Idiot Well-Known Member

    I think there are a few flaws with PS3. But not including a HDMI cable is not one of them. It's just a couple of bucks.
  5. Drunken_Idiot

    Drunken_Idiot Well-Known Member

    oops. Havoc beat me to it. And in so much more detail. :)

    Now, the $6-700. That's a mistake. Too expensive.
  6. cloudstrife781

    cloudstrife781 Active Member

    The biggest problem with BR right now is picture quality that is widely agreed to be inferior to HD DVD. At the moment Blu-ray is all about hype while HD DVD is delivering exactly what it has announced.
  7. someguy

    someguy Active Member

    some reviews on movies runing on both Blue ray and HDDVD and yes it does say that HDDVD are better!:

    note all movies are abit better on HDDVD... and I think the reason for sony not putting the HD cable into the box is to hide some bugs of first bach PS3, it will very will come with HD cables on the 2nd bach
  8. someguy

    someguy Active Member

    Hum... that isn't all that true, cause take the lights of RPG games on Ps2 some offers 2 disks, it's all will depend on what is cheaper to make, if it's cheaper to have 3 DVD than a blue-ray or HDDVD then they'll have it on 3 dvds. cause this way they can lower the cost of prduction ^_^

    will I can't really tell who will be running ahead on the 360vs ps3.... but I think microsoft have a huge chance of beating sony this time round...
  9. ahhamah

    ahhamah Well-Known Member

    I feel like this is nintendo's doom if the Wii does not perform well. Their lost since the 5th generation (N64) as well as the 6th (Gamecube) is quite significant. Their market share on handheld gaming (which has kept them alive) has been reduced recently due to the psp.
  10. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member


    Actually, when the PS2 was released, DVD was already widely accepted at least here in the US. Also there was nothing competing with the original DVD so putting DVD on the PS2 was just common sense.

    People are saying Blu-ray is bad for the PS3 because of the price. Sony could have sold the PS3 for a lot less without Blu-ray. They could have sold the Blu-ray attachment separately just like Microsoft is doing for the Xbox with HD DVD.

    I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of Sony forcing me to choose Blu-ray when the format wars haven't been decided yet.

    How would you like buying a PS3 and then a few years later, Blu-ray loses to HD DVD? Then the PS3 is only a game machine, but that's not what you paid for. You paid for games and movie function. So the argument that Blu-ray is good/bad/better than BDVD is very relevant.

    The only system I own is a PS2 but I'm not going to blindly support the PS3 with its many faults.
  11. wasn't there a thread already about the systems??

    I originally wanted to buy ps3.. but there's still lotta fun games coming out for psp... plus GoW 2 for ps2.. still got lotta ps2 games havent finished playing.. I mean $600+ dollars... I think I rathe get lotta nice clothes and toys.. 600 is way too expensive for gaming... plus it's like you're money would go to waste if you didn't play that thing 24/7...

    i'll prolly just wait for PS4... where Imma plug it into my brain... and it's gonna interact with all my sense... that... and i better be able to use it as a time machine aswell...
  12. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    Nintendo should have had a DVD player on the Gamecube. I don't see what's your point here.

    Have you seen the graphics for the first gen PS3 games? They are equal to PS2 games or only slightly better at the moment. I'm sure in the future they will make use of more storage data but they aren't doing that now. Hence, they could have done an add-on with the Blu-ray drive since there's no need for it at the moment.

    I never said Sony doesn't have a right to leverage their technology. Sony is basically making an assumption that they can add anything to the PS3, jack up it's price and people will still buy it. Which is true for early adopters but not for the majority.

    Yes, that's what I intend to do. I don't want to end up with a useless machine.

    Sony's arrogance is their biggest fault. They treat consumers like we don't know any better and will buy their products no matter what.

    You admitted yourself that you're a fanboy, so it's impossible for you to see Sony as anything but perfection so I can make a hundred points and it wouldn't matter. That's the definition of a fanboy.

    Also, even though I don't like what Sony is doing, I probably will buy a PS3 when the price drops. I'd buy it for Final Fantasy 13 alone.

    I remember someone awhile ago saying "I'm supporting the N64 b/c the NES & SNES did not fail my experience and expections..."

    or the guy who said "I'm supporting the Dreamcast b/c the Sega Master System & Genesis did not fail my experience and expections...

    If you follow the HD DVD and Blu-ray war, this is common knowledge. Blu-ray is definitely underperforming. Here's an article in addition to the ones
    someguy' posted:

    There's a lot more articles like it if you do a search and if you hang out at Audio/Visual forums.

    That's not to say Blu-ray won't improve. I'm sure it will, but at the moment, it's not giving the same quality as HD DVD.
  13. lol yall gaming don lost your damn minds... gaming suppose to be fun.. sometimes enjoyed with a group of friends.. it means nothing if you gotta spend several hundreds of dollars to entertain yourself... whereas pple can still get a kick outta playing NES roms...
  14. Drunken_Idiot

    Drunken_Idiot Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, I see 100s of kids on the weekends. And seems more like they all own a DS (or some variant of it, can't keep up). I've rarely ever seen them with a PSP. Actually, I've never seen 1. People with PSPs are usually the older teenagers and twenties. Some 30s.

    I'm 29 now. The last console I've owned was an Atari2600 (space invaders. centipede). I've played other consoles before but never purchased them.

    But the Wii has really peaked my interest. If they can keep the cost low, pretty sure I'm going to get one.
  15. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    If I was to get a new console, I would try Wii. Their game seems very promising while PS3 might have a better systems but the game that I see dont excite me too much >.<
  16. Saga

    Saga Active Member

    my little bro brought a 360, and i'm sure gona buy a PS3.

    i think Wii will sell the most in the begining, but PS3 in the end.