Help me pick a name for my little girl. Needs to be something easy to say. Trying to stay away from cliche names like "cookie, princess" No girly names No naming her after a gemstone - she's not a stripper. I do have one name in mind (Luna) but still trying to decide. Pic for reference. More to come later
^ awwwww shes so cuteeee...!!! old is sheee...??.. ermmm how about: lucky, robo, pepe..??... wow kontra huskys are ubbbbber expensive....vdddy richh...ehhh
^ awww....2months....has she had all ths shots and everything..??.. oo i sorta see where ya thought of the name luna..with the colors did she have a name the previous owner named her anything...??...
I need to take her in for her shots next month. Minimum age is 3 months. I don't think the previous owner named her. I'm not a pedo.
Lets see Arial - I like Cinderella - Too cliche Snow White - Kinda cool Jasmine - Too stripper Rapunzel - No thanks I know!! -blush2 Isn't that a boys name? -huh