The Legendary Goddess Babyrain

Discussion in 'Fan Fix' started by mgfcortez, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    Ok this is something to show BabyRain how much I appreciate her and all her hard work on the great stories she has made, and has meant to me. After Wind made that bet and stopped Baby from working on her story, she seemed like she was going to work around him, but then I think she got a little down. It’s easy to hinder art and the ones who make it and I believe that’s what might have happened, maybe wrong though I think she was feeling unappreciated and she has lost the want to write.

    This isn’t to make her start writing again it’s just to show her that people have enjoyed her stories and she has inspired me even to write as well *not as good as her*. So here we go a short story all about Baby and a few of her close friends that I know of on PA. She might had added more but I’m writing it so… you know… lol

    And to all PA members that are in the story let me know if you’re not happy with being in the story and I’ll take you out and rewrite the part.

    But I only needed a few people to write it around hope you all don’t mind, like Taxloss will be the one to drive the story, Hiake I need in another part to help give something to do and Dann well some reason I think he’s best by Baby’s side, he is her I don’t think anybody else would be as forgiving if I write something they didn’t like just but I would have liked to make Baby in the lead but, I really don’t know how to make a God go around and do things and that was what I was thinking would be cool to write around and show her the most respect:p. I’m not as good as Baby when it comes to writing but I think she’ll like it, well I hope so.
    Thanks and here we go.

    Chapter 1

    The Legendary Goddess Babyrain

    There was a group of people talking in a dark room lit by candle light meeting in secret, they all looked scared and upset and were rambling on and you couldn’t make out what any of them was saying. Then a man stepped up and spoke to the group.

    “Ok people calm down! Nothing will get done this way; we must use our head in dark times like this. Ok most of you already know that the evil two that the Goddess killed long ago have returned back from the dead, Nolloal and Masgee, ” the elder said.

    People in the group shook and others whimpered, as if the names being spoken were to bring some evil curse down upon them.

    “Yes I know it’s hard to grasp but it is true I have a plan but before I tell you of it, it is vital that we recall the legend of how our great Goddess endured the hardships to destroy those two evil beasts,” the elder continued, “So if you haven’t heard this story before you’ll understand what we all fear might happen again, and if you’re like most of us here that have heard the story all your lives, never fear this is but a short recap of what happen. I know we don’t have time to recall every detail because time is short and doom is upon us. So this is how it goes.”

    Long ago the land was at peace it had its problems sure killings and all the things we have now, and the Evil Twins helped with the body counts by requiring fresh sacrifices weekly. They were Evil and the people hated them but feared them never knowing who would be the next sacrifice, but others said that the Evil Twins didn’t take sacrifices and never harmed anyone and that the town’s people were narrow minded fools. But whatever happened back then the people wanted to be rid of them, and then it seemed that their wish was granted as the two Nolloal and Masgee showed up.

    But Nolloal and Masgee wanted to change everybody and demanded them to worship their God, Breeze, and killed everyone that didn’t bow unto him. If the Evil Twins were evil, these beasts were worst. The twins never asked people to do as they said and it was really only a rumor of them taking sacrifices, but these so called holy men did take sacrifices in front of all.

    And had dark evil magic they evoked, they had ruled the people with demons and the like as well. And their lust for power had no end at this time, they had taken over most of the world, and they ruled with a fist of iron and took what they wished, be it a man’s wife or his kids.

    For the glory of Breeze, blood must be shed. The Evil Twins’ mountain had been flattened and them both had to have died in the sneak attack is what people believed, but Babyrain had set out to find a way to destroy the fiends.

    It is now believed that she did this because of the loss of her twin but who knows her true reasons behind her heroic deed, but most believe revenge was the most likely reason. She had gone to the ends of the world they said and what happen then isn’t known to us, but what is known is that she came back with great power and wrath and wiped out Nolloal and Masgee, she killed their demons and other evil things they had to guard them fast but took her time with the two beasts whom she hated greatly. You could hear their screams for days it is said, then she was never seen again and the people started worshiping her as our Goddess.

    “Ok now that we all know the story of the Goddess now here’s what I plan to do, it’s true that no one knows where the Goddess went but we have found a man who may know where she is. His name is Mgf and he was once the god of war of this land Cortez, but as the legends tell he got a little too friendly with the Goddess Babyrain and tried to take her without her consent and she took his powers and made him human.

    But he is an immortal still even without his powers so he can tell us where the Goddess is I believe, and I want to send the best warrior in this land to seek her out.” the elder said.

    Then someone stepped up beside the elder into the candle light it was Taxloss, was this great warrior man or woman? No one seemed to know.

    Some said that, “She must be a woman because of her fair complexion.”

    Others said, “He is just a lad that’s why he has such a fair complexion but he was a man, look at that thing in his hand. It was a demon’s head two times the size of an human head, its green blood oozing out all over the floor!” then Taxloss had thrown down the head right by the feet of the gossipers and gave a smug grin.

    “Well this is the plan Taxloss. He is being held in jail in the next town. It may be hard to get him freed, because he got drunk at the pub and killed a few fellows they want his head. Offer this gold to the guards to turn a blind eye, while you free him, maybe he’ll be so over joyed that you freed him, he’ll tell you what he knows. If you find the place where the Goddess is go there and ask her for her help, and make sure you tell her the names of those two that will surely get her to lend her help unto us. We need her because only an immortal can kill another immortal.” The elder said.

    “Ok but don’t you think this Cortez will hate her for what she has done to him? Even though the dog deserved what he got and more but he’ll not agree with that I’m sure. So will he give you what you want so easily? ” Taxloss said.

    “Well do what you must but make him talk by any means! Use this on your blade it will not kill him but it will cause him great pain and make him have to do as you wish so he’ll have to talk if he don’t want to help freely. ” the elder replied.

    Taxloss took the vial and headed out the door, Taxloss did not believe in the legend as the others but the gold they gave for the warrior’s sword arm was real enough plus something had to be done about those two. Taxloss was in fact a woman she just enjoyed messing with the simple minded town’s people, plus at times it had suited her to act as what others assumed her to be. She did not believe in Gods that saved all people and other such fool hardy things she believed in what she could see and reason out in one’s mind, so going to ask some fallen God where to find another God was kind of amusing to her although she has seen many supernatural beings but most were more beasts and demons then Gods. She headed out of town beginning her search for the so called Goddess.

    Nolloal and Masgee was burning down another town of unbelievers as they would say, and they were enjoying their handy work then they seen a family of three; a man, woman and a child trying to run out of town.

    Masgee grabbed the child and said, “Take Breeze into your heart and repent, here let Breeze feast upon the boy’s flesh and you will be blessed no need to run anymore all should look forward to the time that we become one with Breeze. Be it now or later all souls must be consumed by Breeze, he has slept long but now he is awakening! Rejoice soon Breeze will come! Us his faithful will last to be consumed but all must face there god Breeze.” Masgee said.

    And then he thrown the boy into the fire as the man and woman cried and the man tried to get past the guards, then Nolloal walked up to the demon guards.

    “No they aren’t worthy of Breeze you may feast upon their flesh instead,” Nolloal spoke.

    Then the two black as coal demon started ripping the woman and man apart, Masgee looked unhappy and said to Nolloal.

    “We could have cleansed them! And sent them to the great Breeze the more souls he consumes the sooner he shall wake.” Masgee said.

    “No brother they weren’t good enough Breeze should have only the best, that’s why I’m the elder priest to Breeze.” Nolloal said.

    “Whatever you think is best then brother, what news of the one brother?” Masgee said.

    “Oh he is near and I sent some of Breeze’s first bornt children to fetch him for us” Nolloal said.

    “Oh nice there so powerful nothing could possible go wrong” Masgee said.

    Chapter 2

    Taxloss had just got there but the place was in flames, people screaming and running about, she ran in the jail where Cortez was being held but the cell door had been ripped off and everyone was dead in the jail.

    She had seen two great black demons about 8ft tall dragging a man while the other one was killing all that came across its path, that man seems to be of some use to the demon she reasoned out in her mind maybe that is this Cortez.

    She had a cross bow and aimed it at the demon and shot the one on the left in the head, this just made the thing mad it seemed and it started running toward her then the man yelled at her.

    “Dip your arrows into that little girl’s blood!!! And then shot the thing and it’ll die!!” the man yelled.

    She had rolled out of the way just in time before the demon had charged right over her but instead run through the jail wall, one hit and it was over she knew luck for her she was very fast and light on her feet. She barely jumped out the way as the demon flung a whole piece of the jail wall at her; she dipped the arrow in the little girl’s blood and let loose another one at the beast.

    She was amazed at how fast the demon died its flesh just melted off of it like tar and green blood ran from the skull left over, but this was no time to be awed by such a thing because it had made the other two demons pissed. And now they were running at Taxloss she got one with another arrow but didn’t have time to get the last one, the demon jumped at her. She had an arrow ready pointed up so at least she’d take the beast with her. Then the damn thing thrown its body back in a death throw which just happen to cut short its momentum the demon built up running at her, so it didn’t land on top of Taxloss and just fell to the side and melted away like the other two did into a mix of black tar and green slime. Then Taxloss saw a short sword sticking out the back of the demon and understood what had happened.

    “Out done by a woman again but what can you do it happens from time to time, so they sent you here to get info on Baby did they? Well if you need me I’ll be at the pub or what’s left of it.” Cortez said.

    Taxloss looked at him with a frown, most people couldn’t even tell she was a woman even after knowing her awhile but he could tell it like she was wearing a dress and makeup, then he also knew why she was here this was a bit unsettling to her. She stood there for a moment as she seen the man walk over to the pub then she followed him. And walked over the dead bodies and right up to where he was seated and looked at him coldly and said.

    “Yes I’m Taxloss and I’ve been hired to find the Goddess Babyrain and they heard you know where she is, so?” Taxloss asked.

    “They must be them crazy town people. Well no, I don’t know where she is. We kind of had a falling out long time ago. I’m sure you heard the stories but mind you don’t believe everything you hear, like that crazy shit about me trying to have my way with her all made up trash. She did take away my God hood and knocked me down to the mortal world, but it was because of a misunderstanding. If I’d done what they said I’m sure she would have killed me.” Cortez said grimly.

    “Well how and why did she take your powers away then if you don’t mind me asking?” Taxloss asked.

    Taxloss could care less how it happened but she could tell he was the type of guy that enjoyed to have someone to whine to, and she could use this to her own ends and sure enough he started to tell her how it all happened.

    While he was doing this she sat in a stool and carefully where he couldn’t see, took out the vial and started treating her blade with the fluid acting like she cared what he said.

    “See it was all a misunderstanding I been trying to get with her for awhile and I joked a lot but one day I said something the wrong way when I was joking with her, and I called her my sex slave when I really meant love slave but I’m good at mixing words up. Well she was pissed and I tried to tell her it was a joke and I was sorry but when Baby gets going she’s not going to cool off fast, well a few days later she said come over and we’ll talk about it. I was happy well she gave me a glass of wine and that was it for my God hood. She must have used some of her old magic… I think because Gods can’t take away other Gods’ powers well she beat the shit out of me and ripped off my tunic, so here I was running around butt naked bleeding as the other gods thinking it was the funniest thing they ever seen. Then I got thrown down here and been here for at least 1000 years, but I think Baby will cool off sooner or later and forgive me. ” Cortez said.

    “You sound like you’re not even upset about it. One would think you’d hate her for shaming you like that?” Taxloss replied.

    “No I wasn’t happy about it but I did say the joke the wrong way and hurt her feelings, so I think it’ll work out just things like this just take time plus I tried to see her many times afterwards but she said she didn’t want to see me until I work out my anger problems like she doesn’t get angry. Crazy I just, HAY!” Cortez said.

    Taxloss had cut him with the blade while he rambled on about everything. Then she put up a hand sign and said boil. Then Cortez dropped out of the stool on to the floor spilling his grog all over himself, and rolling back and forth in great pain screaming.

    “What have you done you crazy woman! My blood is on fire it hurts!! Stop it!! Why?? ” Cortez screamed.

    “I don’t believe you when you say you don’t know where she is, tell me or it’ll keep burning like that my dim witted friend” Taxloss said.

    “Ok! Just stop it now!” Cortez screamed.

    Then Taxloss put down her hand and his blood stopped boiling, he looked at her for a moment as he was thinking of killing her. When he was really wondering if she could do that to him again if he cut of both her hands, but he said to himself that it was too risky to chance.

    “Ok tell me where the Goddess is dog, unless you wish to feel the fire again.” Taxloss threatened.

    “Well like I said I don’t know where she is but her twin surely knows where to find her, you just need to go ask her but she doesn’t like meeting people so she’ll kill you I’m sure. I would have told you this without you using this magic on me, well good luck to you bye. ” Cortez said angrily.

    “So the other twin lived after all, well she doesn’t like new faces I’ll bring along someone she knows.” Taxloss said with a smile.

    “No! Hiake doesn’t like me so much and won’t be happy to see me at her door again, 500 years ago she ran me off with all kind of nastiest demons and stuff. Said that next time I came looking to see Baby she’d give me a fate worst then death, that woman’s nothing to mess with I think you have a better chance by yourself then with me with you. Plus I don’t want to go and I think Baby will miss me sooner or later and we’ll make up then.” Cortez said.

    “Good then its settled you’re going with me, worst comes to worst I can give her the way to boil your blood and then we’ll get along fine then I’m sure.” Taxloss said.

    “I’m sure of it now all women are evil blackmailing me into taking you there and then saying you’re going to show her how to use this shit on me as well, whatever I do I’m going to feel that fire again I’m sure hell with it lets go.” Cortez said weakly.

    “Lead the way” Taxloss said smiling.

    Chapter 3

    “My lords, all three of Breeze’s first bornt you sent to the town are dead and the man has left with this warrior named Taxloss we found their tracks, and one of the town’s spies said that the people hired her to find the Goddess. And he might know where she is this is all we know of yet.” the man said.

    “Damn! I knew he was a fallen god but didn’t think he could find her!” Masgee said trembling.

    “It’s ok Masgee we still have time to stop them from finding her, plus she may not even care to stop us you know these little so called gods. There lazy and care for nothing anymore none have tried to stop us yet. ”Nolloal said.

    “Have you forgotten brother?? What she did to us I can never forget the pain I suffered that day! ” Masgee said with fear in his voice.

    “No I remember and will never forget it, but she was a newborn God back then with her human feelings still strong within her. But it’s been 1200 years and Breeze’s has gave us life ones more to carry out his will nothing can stop us. ” Nolloal said.

    “I know Nolloal but I’ll feel better if we send more of Breeze’s first born and even the dark gods themselves! I don’t want to chance things because I never want to see her face again!” Masgee said.

    “No worries my brother I have sent them already, Breeze’s told me of it the moment it had happen. They should be there by now and will stop them and then after that we can drain the remainder of his power and wake Breeze once and for all! ” Nolloal said.

    “So tell me Cortez were you and her together for a long time before you said that?” Taxloss asked.

    “Oh, well. We were never together, she’s only a friend” Cortez said bashfully.

    “The way you talked, I was thinking you were lovers.” Taxloss said mockingly.

    “Well the truth is I’m crazy about her but she could care less I think, I hope that one day she’ll come around and think of me the same way though. But I think she has feelings she just won’t hold up for it, because if she didn’t like me some why just take away my god hood and not kill me. And she said I need to work on my anger why say that if she didn’t care? I’m sure we’ll hook up one day” Cortez said.

    “I think your reading too much into stuff that’s not there, sounds like to me you’re into her and she wants to get rid of you. And she could have taken your God hood away to make you suffer more, and about the anger part maybe it was just a smart remark I don’t think you understand women much.” Taxloss said.

    “Well thanks for clearing it all up for me then! But hell maybe you’re right I’m not the smartest guy there is and when it comes to love, you heard the saying I’m a lover not a fighter… Well I’m a fighter not a lover would suit me very well instead,” Cortez said.

    “HAHAHAHAHA, yeah I think you got that right maybe a poor fighter though,” Taxloss said smiling.

    “Yeah I don’t like you, I was the god of war and you call me a poor fighter. Sure even as a god I wasn’t very smart but a poor fighter I don’t think so, maybe I lost some skill with my god hood but I’m still at least good at killing still. ” Cortez said angrily.

    “Ok, I was just joking you sound like one of those drunks with the harlots in the pub that get pissed when they make fun of their manliness down there. Maybe that’s why she thrown you out, come to think about it” Taxloss said giggling.

    “Yep don’t like you at all. How about we take a rest from talking for a while.” Cortez retorted.

    Chapter 4

    Breeze’s first borne and hellhounds and all mater of other unsavory looking demonics all set out from the gates in the earth. These gates were put here by the gods to hold the evil within to never be open again from within or out by there great power, but they were brittle and missing bars in the gate where these demonics were coming out of because Breeze has partly awoken and his evil power was canceling out the powers of the gods. Thanks to Nolloal and Masgee 1200 years before for slaying there own members blood on the gates and offering there souls to Breeze, and Nolloal and Masgee would had gladly gave up there own as well but had been stopped because right then Breeze spoke to Nolloal and told his will was to offer up others souls to feed Breeze’s power. Breeze was in truth just a blood tursty demon that wanted to fill its never ending hunger with everything and seen the perfect fool’s to be his puppets, but Nolloal and Masgee seen this as a second coming a chance to save all the world in the glory of Breeze’s name truly they were fools.

    But the host of demonics had all came thro and headed out after there pray being summoned by there masters puppet Nolloal they knew what to do, they was to go after one who had once had great power and had been shamed by his brethren he was now not much more then a poor mans fool that people would amuse themselves with. Breeze in his half awoken state said to himself: this one was more then this much more such a waste but he was content to drink until he couldn’t stand anymore and then tell tall tales to the common people anyone who would hear his tales, yes Breeze could use the power of this one a worthy tool to break thro the cell that held him what would be better then to use the power of a fallen god to undo the power of the gods themselves. His children must not fail to subdue him they must bring this one back, yes Breeze said as seeing it all clearly in his mind there close soon they will be upon them.

    “Oh don’t be so uptight I was only kidding, if you take everything like this no wonder the woman doesn’t like you.” Taxloss

    “Well I think I’m a lot cooler when I’m not getting the Monkey King treatment, and your damn right I’m uptight I’m not into getting Hiake pissed at me for showing up at her lair again” Cortez

    “Sounds like you went there many times trying to see Babyrain, you shouldn’t act so needy some girls like guys that are on the same level as them and not so clingy. You should be more of a challenge to her, and not seem so weak then she might like you more.” Taxloss

    “Maybe well anyway here take this, just in case we run up with them again.” Cortez

    It was a jar full of blood he handed her, but Cortez was just trying to change the subject anyway he could and hoped this would do it.

    “I was wondering about that, how did the blood kill them demons like that?” Taxloss

    “Well the blood of a young girl that is unspoiled and never known man will kill Breeze’s first borne children. It's because of the goddess’s long ago that helped seal Breeze wanted to give man a way to fight the demon, just incase he ever got free again you got to hand it to women always thinking ahead and at the time I was thinking it foolish who would had known it would save me.” Cortez

    “I heard the fools scream this Breeze’s name out before, he must be a so called dark god not that I believe in gods I believe in demons and the like even immortals like you but gods I never seen and don’t believe in. But what of these Breezes’s first borne children you talk of where do they come from?” Taxloss

    “Well Breeze is a dark god and you’ll start to believe more of gods soon enough as you meet them because I have a feeling you’ll get to meet Babyrain as you wish to, but the demons you killed they are Breeze’s first borne children from deep within the earth they sleep until the harvest when Breeze and his first borne children wake and destroy all life on the earth. his first borne children are really part of him but they are the weakest of his children but whatever they kill the flesh is theres to eat but the soul they eat Breeze will gets it and Breeze is truly evil and long ago he wiped out most of the world, then the gods put him to sleep deep within the earth never to wake again. But they are foulish people like Nolloal and Masgee that have woken him partly with the souls of there own people and other poor unwilling souls and this gave him power to open the gate a little bit so he bestoed power upon his faithful fools, and they are just his puppets to do his will and to feed his hunger. If they is a god left though that will help you humans it’s Babyrain the other gods have grown lazy and care little for human kind, but her being human once she still has a human heart so I believe she will help you plus her hate for Nolloal and Masgee will help a lot too. ” Cortez

    “Human? She was part of the evil twins she wasn’t ever human plus did they sacrifice people or not?” Taxloss

    “Well she was born human and later became immortal as part of the evil twins then she became a god by passing the tests of Perseus, and no they didn’t sacrifice people they never worshiped a god so sacrifices would be of no use to them but they had there fun with people who crossed them if that’s what you mean.” Cortez said with a smile

    “So how much farther is it? It’s almost dark we should set up camp and a fire to keep the hell hounds away.” Taxloss

    “Hell hounds, nasty little beasts suck the soul out of you without ever even breaking the flesh. Lucky for me they can’t eat an immortals soul but your soul they’ll think very tasty.” Cortez said with an evil grin

    “Yeah try anything and your blood will burn again, and you do best to remember I’m not very forgiving to people who cross me.” Taxloss

    “Well I was just saying you’re the one who needs to look out, but you remind me of Babyrain she’s not very forgiving nether look at me over a 1000 years in human flesh but in a way I’m glad now that I think about it that you did this. Because I can see her without it really being me who came to see her by me getting dragged along maybe she’ll not mind so much seeing me. Well we got less than a day’s ride before we get to the temple of Perseus or the evil twins liar. And could make it from here tonight before the hellhounds come out or I should call them sicklehounds real hell hound are much bigger and hell to deal with, but to come calling on Hiake in the night isn’t smart and she’s sure to take it as us being disrespectful so we should camp here for the night.” Cortez

    “Sicklehounds? So what do real hellhounds look like and why haven’t I seen them before then.” Taxloss

    “Well Sicklehounds they get called hellhounds because they eat souls like hellhounds did, but Sicklehounds are white and much like a wolf but bigger and faster as you might know. And get there name because of there lack of wanting to fight and instead trying to sneak up and snag one’s soul without ever being seen like the grimreaper with his Sickle, but hellhounds are another one of Breeze’s children but there four times the size of a man and there fur is black with red fire there skin is made of lava there heat alone will kill most people, teeth big as swords and they don’t just time it to get behind you and snag your soul like Sicklehounds they rip into people and eat the flesh and the soul at once. And you won’t ever see one hopefully, the only demonics that are able to fit thro the broke gate just barely right now are Breeze’s first borne and the rest are still trapped them being bigger.” Cortez

    “Well let us get some rest then so we can meet this Hiake.” Taxloss

    They set up the camp and a big fire to last to dawn to drive the Sicklehounds away because they hated fire so much they wouldn’t dare come 100 feet near it, and they hated day light so unless underground no one needed to fear them in the day light. They was about four outside in the dark looking at Cortez as he looked back at them one kept trying to walk closer but then would whimper and run back as he was burned, dumb ass Cortez said at the thing he couldn’t sleep tomorrow he would see Hiake and maybe even Babyrain just it running thro his mind scared him. He would run away if he could but Taxloss would use that power she had over him to set his blood on fire and he’d have to come with her anyway, but he really didn’t want to piss Babyrain off by showing up again she had made it clear that his face was one she didn’t want to see what to do. If he was the type he could kill her and then he’d be free to do what he wanted to do but that was a cowardly thing for a man to do much less a god, but she was a skilled warrior as well and she wasn’t asleep even though she was acting it. No he would go with her and just take it as it go’s but why didn’t he see that she had the damn poison to begin with he still couldn’t see where she got it in his mind, it was like that though something’s he seen clearly other times not at all as a god he seen all things clearly now he just had flashes of things from time to time. It had been 4 hours and still 6 to go until the sun came up maybe he could get a little sleep after all he said to himself he laid down right by the tree in the grass and closed his eyes, then he heard a deep growl he opened his eye and jumped up looking back and forth there was nothing there just the Sicklehounds out there and he knew it wasn’t them. So he said it must be a dream to himself he laid back down and seen that Taxloss was looking at him crazy, he said it’s nothing and closed his eyes then he smelled the brimstone and heard the growl again and then he seen them in his mind he knew it was real and he remembered the place they ware at, it was very close and they be here soon so he jumped back up.

    “Another nightmare? Some big bad god of war you must have been.” Taxloss Laugh as she said this

    “I wish it was a dream get up now and be ready to fight.” Cortez

    “Why what is it? I don’t see anything sure you weren’t dreaming?” Taxloss

    “Let’s just call it a little something I kept even after I lost my god hood, we are going to be in deep shit soon so ready your sword!” Cortez

    “Ok if you say so, so what is it anyway and why attack us?” Taxloss

    “Well the first borne tried to take me with them and that’s not there way so I think Breeze is after me for some dark reason, but remember what I told you about hellhounds well your going to see them soon your only chance to live is to poor the blood I gave you all over your body.” Cortez

    “What!? I’m not going to poor blood all over my body! Is this some sick fantasy from your war god days? Girl’s covered in blood do you find that sexy or something, plus what about Breeze’s first borne? ” Taxloss

    “Don’t believe me but you’ll see they be here anytime now when you see them poor the blood over you, if you don’t the hellhounds heat will kill you alone and your never even get to swing your sword. And I’m proud but not dumb so I’ll tell you truthfully I’ll need your sword arm if we are going to live thro this night! And go for the eyes on all of Breeze’s children its harder than the blood but it’s a way to kill them, plus who said you can’t wipe a little of that blood on a arrow or two or your sword” Cortez

    Then Cortez ran out by the fire with his sword at the ready, and sure enough they was coming like he said they would Taxloss said to herself I wish I had that power then began to poor the blood over her head and rubbing it on her body. Cortez was standing there wile the hellhounds ate the Sicklehounds like a snack right then Cortez seen another host of demonics in his mind much bigger on the way damn he said to himself.

    “We need to hurry and cut these hellhounds down!! There more powerful demons on the way there far away still but we got a few hours at most!!” Cortez

    “Great we have to kill these and run like hell, and I can’t even get near them right whats the blood for to keep them away? Just like a damn man to think a woman helpless” Taxloss

    “No it’s to shield you from the heat and they won’t like you getting around them with the blood on, but you can take them down easier but there done with the Sicklehounds no time left to talk!” Cortez

    Then Cortez jumped onto one with his sword and stabbed it in one eye, the great beast kicked knocking Cortez off of his back to the ground hard, then beast came charging at Cortez only to get his sword in his other socket again this beast melted away like the other’s the day before Cortez got up slowly lucky for him immortal bones were harder to break than human’s.

    Taxloss look around and seen they were 6 hellhounds left after Cortez had killed his she had a few arrows at the ready she wiped them on her arm to get some of the blood she used on herself on the tip and fired away another beast dead, she used her last two arrows killing two more cursing wishing she had more why get close if you can stay back and deal more death that way. But throwing down the crossbow and pulling out her own sword she went in the fray to clear her path she had gave her word to do all in her power to get the Goddess’s help, she wouldn’t let these mutts of hell stop her even if they were as big as most hunts people lived in.

    Cortez had bloody cuts like lines from head to toe thro all over his body and dripped blood like a snowman melting he had been attacked by most of them but they wasn’t trying to kill him just tire him out he could see like a cat and mouse game, because they had the power to kill immortals but they just was cutting him deep. Sure it hurt like hell and made him weak and would kill a human but these would heal in less then a day for him, but he had cut down another one even as he got thrown here and there like a rag doll but Cortez was almost done.
    The hellhound that was left was on top of him grabbing his leg in it’s mouth pulling him away trying to take him away with him but Cortez pulled himself up by grabbing it giant fang and put his fist thro the beasts eye and it dropped his leg and he got pulled under the beast and Cortez felt his bone in his leg break but Cortez never let go of the great fang so as the foot pulled on his leg Cortez pulled on the fang and it broke, he got up and hopping around trying to get to the beast before it could regain its footing still the fang in his hand shoved it thro the other socket and fell down.

    Taxloss had seen the hellhound carry Cortez off but she had her hands full because the other hellhound was getting near her and not trying to run from her the blood must had been warring off because it was getting hot too, so hot she was feeling light headed and very weak but she was fighting thro it she shoved the sword thro a eye the beast head jerked pulling her sword out of her hand but not before pull her arm out of socket first. Then she was without a weapon and the beast was going to bounce upon her she seen it in its eyes, she picked up a rock as big as a man hand and ran at the hellhound. she thrown it at the beast hoping to stun it long enough to do something and the beast moved its head as the rock hit not seeing the real treat in Taxloss, she trust her fingers into the hellhounds eye and it burned off her lather glove it was so hot and her hand felt the blistering fire but she still pulled and ripped the eye out with all her might and the best was dead. But Taxloss was out being that close to it the heat was just too great for her, Cortez seen her fall and he crawled over too her hoping the blood was still strong enough to had saved her life from the brimstone and as he look she was still alive. He woke her up and said.

    “I’m done for my leg is broke and I can’t walk go that way and you’ll see the temple of Perseus when you get there tell Hiake I told you she’d help you, she may not like people but she’ll not hurt you thinking its my fault you showed up there. Run like hell I think there after me only but you never know they may want you as well, it’s my fault there here so do as I wish please” Cortez

    “I’m not a coward to just let you lay here until they come get you wile I run off to safety, no I’ll help you get there come on and if you try to fight it I’ll use the hand sign to make your blood boil again so come on!” Taxloss

    “Women always hard headed ok but don’t make it like you to proud to leave me here, you just want to offer me over to Hiake to butter her up so you can meet Babyrain.” Cortez said with a smile

    “Well there is that too, who know maybe some gold in it for me too.” Taxloss smiled back

    Well Taxloss help Cortez to his feet and they started off toward the temple of Perseus, it wasn’t long to go but it was unlikely they would beat the other demonic’s to Hiake. Luckily the hellhound were faster than the rest if they all had shown up they would had been no hope, but after about a hour Cortez seemed to be able to walk on his own again so this was a relieve to Taxloss that was still very weak herself from the fight with the hellhounds then Cortez spoke.

    “We’re there I can see it from here but if Hiake don’t let us in we are done for, hopefully she’ll be in a good mood or all this is a waste of time” Cortez

    “Oh shit there here run for it broke leg or not!” Taxloss

    Then they ran as all kind of demonic things came running behind them, they banged at the door but no one came to let them in. They screamed out and Cortez said who he was and Taxloss said she was an enemy of Nolloal and Masgee and needed the Goddess’s help, but still no one came then they began fighting the on coming hordes as no hope of help was seen as of yet.
    #1 mgfcortez, Aug 13, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2007
  2. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Wow, what can I say... -blush

    I am flattered really, thanks for doing this to show me how someone appreciated my work... -lol
    I think the whole story about me being a Goddess is cheesy and I am sure some people, maybe many, would scorn at this, but I'd like to thank you for your appreciation. -^_^
    I know you must have taken a lot of time n put a lot of effort into this, so thanks.
  3. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    well you gave us so much enjoyment i wanted to give something back to you;)
    and maybe it is cheesy just call me a big ass rat then-batman
    and if ppl want to scorn this fine i don't care but i always liked storys about gods and stuff.
    kinda like the monkey king, hercules, and other cool stuff so the goddess thing i was thinking was cool-devil

    but your just being humble you are cool enuff to be a goddess in a story;)
    and i kinda made myself like a jack sparow/ monkey king / cave man guy in the story.:p
    i wanted to be the comic releve in this because i made myself such a bad ass in the other story.-innocent
    but i hope the other ppl i put in don't mind the parts i gave them,i think the ppl i picked are real open minded and there think its ok.
    but its all to reward your hard work and to give you a great thanks-inlove
    and to try to conter some of what wind did-noclue
    but be cool and glad you like it-hug
  4. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    heh. wow. quite a creative story there. i don't think i could do that.. write a story i mean. and so if you're able just go for it! i'd like to write a story if i could but a storyline to anything rarely pops up in my head.
  5. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    thanks you could look at my other story the gems of hevean baby and taxloss,hiake talked me into writing it:p
    but i think i did good,and this is just to try to lift baby up a lil bit because of winds careless bet shit.
    he should understand he hurt her feelings to do that kinda sounds like he don't care if she writes or not IMO.
    if i was him i say i was sorry and say i was sorry to all of us for stoping the story:p

    but thats just me i guess but i really hope baby keeps the storys going:(
    but be cool:)
    #5 mgfcortez, Aug 13, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2007
  6. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Hmmm... one thing i need to clear up is that i DID/ DO/ Will DO appreciate BR's efforts to write. Not only her efforts are appreciated but her works also, they are masterpieces. I humbly apologize to BR and you all if i did sound unappreciative to her by making the bet. I will take my leave to you all from now on.

    PS. Keep up your good work BR. :)

  7. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Spare me your bullshit. Thanks!
  8. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Wahaha! Cortez, cool man! It's surely a very nice gesture towards BRain to show how much you appreciate her work! ...and flattering to read that I have a part in this Legendary Goddess BabyRain too as a warrior/bounty hunter who's sex is kinda a mystery lol -lol

    And how daring to make your own character look like being controlled and pestered by the women hehe! (although you ofcourse you made sure you've saved Taxloss when he/she was in trouble with the demons..) :D

    P.S.: cool signature you have Cortez!
  9. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    well i'm just glad baby liked it and all i just wanted to try to do something to conter winds stuff so writing this seemed like a good thing:p
    and IMO if wind was truely sorry he would had took back the bet and post a more real sounding sorry in babys story.<_<

    and i'm glad you like your part in the story:)
    its only right to put you and a few other that you always see with babyrain so it fit you know.
    plus i think you and hike are cool and wouldn't get mad for me puting you in the story-sweat

    yeah someone has to be the joke of the story so i took that
    and yeah but he kinda like jack sparow most the time a joke but can kick a lil ass as well;)

    thanks i like the signature too:)
    baby said she could make me one after i told her i liked her's so i jumped on it-bigclap
    be cool:)

    chapter 4 is up:)
    #9 mgfcortez, Aug 21, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2007
  10. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    How come a lot of the speech in this chapter ended with Cortez, or Taxloss ...?
    lol... i think you missed out the word 'spoke, said' or something :p

    It's cool about those hellhounds and sicklehounds (did you make them up or gotten them from somewhere?) and hmm ...

    “What!? I’m not going to poor blood all over my body! Is this some sick fantasy from your war god days? Girl’s covered in blood do you find that sexy or something, plus what about Breeze’s first borne? ” Taxloss

    That is pervertish indeed lol!
  11. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    well i did that to try and fix the problom with me puting said too
    i said to myself i'll just put the name and its fixed:p
    but guess that didn't work^_^

    yeah i made up the hellhounds and sicklehounds:p
    i was going to call the sicklehounds iceyhounds or something the icesickle
    thats when the grim reaper part hit me:)
    as for the hellhound there name gave me the way they
    i admit it i'm a pervert:p

    lol j/k
    no because the goddess's made it where if an young girl's blood could kill the demons but it can also save ppl as well:p
    glad you like it tho:)
  12. AbZoNyX

    AbZoNyX Well-Known Member

    Woah you must really like Babyrain I liked the the short stories and some of the religious comments but damn. You take it to the next level..
  13. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Pooring blood over myself? ...<_< And Taxloss hurting a cool (or hot) hellhound with a lava skin and black fur with red flames? I think she would have tamed the hellhounds for her own goals :D

    But if you want to make her fight the Hellhounds, I think Taxloss most likely would not only have taken the Hellhounds' eyeballs out, but also going right through it's eye socket and rip their brains out haha! -devil

    ...but er...when is BabyRain stepping in the story? ;)
  14. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    sorry about the blood thing tax:p
    and maybe i can work something out for you in the end of the story just reading your post give me a new twist to put in
    but have to wait to see what happens.-sweat

    and as for ripping the brains out of the hellhound you have to remember how big these things
    the damn eye ball is as big as your head-devil
    so you did a great feet by riping it out,of course you had to pop the eye ball to rip it out.
    man i should had gave more detal now that i think about it-sweat
    but oh well-blush

    and baby will be coming into the story very soon maybe next chapter or the one after it don't know
    haven't wrote it yet.-innocent2
    i just sit down and write and what i got when i done i
    but glad you like it be cool:)