Hiya.. you guys... i think the Theme is really good good song sang by Ron NG and Sammul Chan and Michael Tse. its really cool... here is the rip but if anyone fine the full version and MP3 plz share. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WM4XMS3R Im using this as for my Ringtone.. haha..
this themesong is better than the 2nd one.... most memorable line "hard s#!t and tears"....hahhaha...:laugh:
haha i know "Sweat and Tears" haha the EU opening sounds more like it... suits the drama too.. haha... so cool.. i so want to watch chapter 3 haha lol
I find this song to be the best out of all three series. I think this one has the better plot then the others.
yea, i also find the theme song pretty good. The plot is also pretty good. But the acting seems somewhat disappointing to some. I dunno. It's probably me.
its way better than the last theme it had some bad english in the chorus... it drove me nuts >_< lets me refresh your memory -lol [youtube]eYoE8M5dNZc[/youtube]