The World You And I Live In

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by Hairbear, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Hairbear

    Hairbear Well-Known Member

    are completely different. What I believe is that, everyone is living in their own "world" and each one of these worlds share similarities. thus, we can see each other. But everything that I see and what everyone else sees are most likely different. What might share the same words, might look completely different to someone else. Also, have you ever felt like something just happened to work out by itself? What I think is that these "worlds" are similar to dreams. and that nothing dramatically bad can happen to YOU. and you alone. others may experience tragedies and cause traumas, while nothing really ever happens to yourself. Any who, this "theory" is completely flawed, this is just what i think, maybe i'm just reading too many books and watching too many movies, but yeah. this is what it feels like to me.
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    haha wow... i sometimes do feel that every thing i have been through in the past is like a dream... the only thing i have are my memories and most likely some pictures and things i still have from the past (like things i got from someone or that i bought) and also the people i know from the past that confirm every thing really did happen... it feels kinda weird... cuz ur past and ur memory arent tangible as memories arent things we can keep/ capture.....

    whats funny is that i had a dream last night and this morning when i woke up i was thinking... did i really do that last evening or was it a dream? so i had to check... turned out it was a dream... so i do have my dreams and reality confused someties which is kinda weird!

    anyhow, i dont think each individual lives in different worlds, just that we all see the world through our own eyes so we all have our own vision and experience things differently.... also, i dont believe bad things cant happen to me... i think its cuz ur probably still young (a teenager) and havent gone through anything (which u should be thankful for).... as u grow older u probably will experience more shitty stuff n be traumatized etc.