Anyway, don't think it matters now whos fault it is or whos paid. At the end of the day, money is coming out of the same family. Just hope it does not happen again. No more free fried rice to give out.
so let me get this straight family member gets bag stolen cause there an idiot and blames your parents id kick him or her out
id slap him/ heer and kick him/her out get him to duk lap man ... hes/shes an idiot ..... its their own fault for not watching over their own things
so this was your brother?? Wallets and anything important should always stay with you. I would never left anything unattended. But the biggest problem is not taking responsibility. I would be worried if I was your family as the keys and address is left with someone else and who knows what will happen. And also fraud would be easily executed.
A lot of friends of mine got their shit stolen at a party.. so.. you really should be looking after your own stuff. Or else everyone is a victim with you.