This Indian Guy Found A Way To Have a Threesome Every Single Night

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by shinobi, Jul 9, 2014.

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    Conjoined twins, Ganga and Jamuna Mondal, also known as the Spider Sisters, may have different arms, legs, heads and stomachs, but one bone they ARE sharing these days belongs to their shared boyfriend, Jasimuddin Ahmad (the bone being his dong).

    These broads were single their entire life as a result of their freakish appearance, but after forty-five years of living the bachelor lifestyle, they finally found a boyfriend in Jasimuddin.

    “When we met Jasimuddin we both felt this was a man who would truly love us. And he does – he loves us straight from the heart,” said Ganga, which is a pretty sweet name if she’s actually a stoner.

    Jasimuddin shed some light on what it’s like to be this big of a pimp -

    "Now, every night I sit with them. We share a meal on the terrace and talk about our lives. I sit with them in the evening breeze and we share our joys and our sorrows.’

    ‘Sometimes we listen to music and sit up talking late into the night. There have been times when we have been up talking to 4am and then woken up late the next morning.’

    Coming from a conservative culture, the twins are understandably coy about discussing their love life – but say there has been intimacy."

    Of course there’s intimacy. Are you kidding me? You’re not gonna date conjoined twins and not bang them. This dude is in it for the daily threesomes, plain and simple. I can’t say that I blame him. He goes to work every single day and can proudly proclaim to his buddies, “guess who had a threesome last night?”

    The girls say that they love Jasimuddin because of his kind spirit and his great sense of humor. No offense, but something tells me this guy is no Louis CK. They love him because he gives them the business. No shame in it.

    They have no plans to get married because they don’t think it will be accepted by their community, so this is really the perfect situation for Jasimuddin. One red flag is that these dames are already putting the pressure on Jasimuddin if they get a little long in the tooth and he wants to split. Jamuna says, “We hope he stays with us, it will be a great support. If he wishes it too then we will be lucky. Otherwise our lives will become as anchorless as ever.”

    Um, way to lay on the guilt before he even left. “Our lives will become as anchorless as ever.” Chill, Jamuna, that’s a lotta pressure. You gotta play a little hard to get and not give this dude all the power. Pretend that you’re getting Tinder matches left and right. Make reference to some hot Indian bro hitting on you at the circus. At least give the illusion that you’re desirable, or he’s gonna get freaked out and bounce. Relationships need an equal balance of power to work.

    credits: mirror
  2. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    One bone they share.....LOL
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Pulitzer material, this ain't. Not by a long shot.
  4. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Well, aint that something.
  5. ducdiva

    ducdiva Member

    It always amazes me that some people can love other unconditionally regardless of their disability.
  6. i don't think it's love.. dude is a sick in the head..
  7. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    People can love regardless!
  8. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    I hope they using protection?! Don't really want to think about what would happen if he knocks them up? :O