Timmy Hung dressed up like a paparazzi yesterday and was interviewed by Nancy Sit in Metro Radio for the 粵港越流行 program. Nancy was the first person to congratulate him for his "forth coming wedding". She was glad that he has decided to settle down but Timmy denied that right away, "There are choices, I mean choices for her (Janet Chow), I don't have that choice to pick her." Timmy stated that Janet and Ankie are very good friends of his. If he is getting married, he will announce it. He plans to get married in the next 10 years. In regards to his ex girlfriend, Cathy Tsui, he was asked if he had the urge to get married because Cathy is now married and has a daughter. Timmy responded "I did a long time ago, but having a baby comes with a lot of responsibilities, I have to consider it carefully." There was a report that it was Ankie who started the rumor about Timmy's proposal to Janet but Janet wasn't very happy about it. Timmy laughed, "I will get my own back, maybe Ankie has a crush on me." Source:MingPao Translator:dragon888 @ http://www.************