If you want to win free jeans from American Eagle, but happen to be Canadian, read the fine print: "If a prospective winner is Canadian he or she will be required to correctly answer without assistance of any kind, a timed mathematical skill-testing question administered by telephone, e-mail or other delivery method selected at the sole discretion of Sponsor." This sounds weird, but it's Canadian sweepstake law. Link to the rules: http://www.ae.com/web/sweepstakes/jeans4ayear_sweeps_rules.jsp Link to the sweepstake: http://www.ae.com/web/sweepstakes/j...GN-VK051-9GFRAC-DEBNSV-WAOUB-v1&ed_mid=612305 just thought it was funny .. never knew there's a such sweepstake law in Canada ...lol
that shit happens everywhere for example, rooooooooooolllll up the rims from timmies want you to answer a math question before you win a car which makes sense, reduces stupid people on the roads lol jk
NOT in America but I am sure a lot people don't even know how to solve a simple math question like 2+2-2x6 .. lol
If Order of Operations are observed than -8, if not than 12 lol. but seriously i think America needs to incorporate some sort of winner test thingy...
After you sign up, there is a 15% off coupon you can print out and use either at a store or on the web
I wonder how does it feel if you were chosen as one of the potential winner and only a "math question" away from a year of jean and you BLEW it .. now .. that will be a memorable moment...lol
i thought this was normal in the usa too, also sometimes if u win a drink or meal or something on the spot from a food card there is a math question too, usually like 5x3+5 divided by 2 - 1 = ???
i don't think so .. math is the LAST thing people will ask at a contest or whatever here in America .. don't you know most Americans are VERY weak at MATH...lol why do you think there are more asian in engineering than other ethnicities .. lol so yeah .. never will that occur ...
That's because Quebec is the ''french'' part of Canada <_<, and as you all know, english people + french people = WAR ! :rl: lool. But well, let it be !
=\ i hope that's meant in a sarcastic way im a mtl-er (well used to be until i moved to toronto), i used to live in an all english community i think this eng + french thing is overrated