Well, I have a friend that i have known for a few years. The only problem I have with him is that his pride keeps him from doing... nearly anything fun. I don't mean we should run around without clothes or anything, but at least stop making up stories to sound smart ! I mean, i understand if you don't wanna DDR in front of girls, but when you're making up a story in every conversation, you've crossed the line ! Also, ripping on friends cause you're feeling insecure is plain immature. Maybe i'm taking this over the cliff, but I just can't stand people that can't laugh at themselves or rip on friends for impressions. I never had the nerves to tell him since we're so "close" to each other. I'm sure some of you can relate
Solution: Drive off to the middle of no where. Leave that sum bish there. Drive back. Problem solved.
i guess i should, gotta get the right timing right first though ! don't wanna sound bipolar or anything. haha
ddr in front of girls... :kekekegay: i do it all the time even though i suck <3 the game, not one of my guys friends would dare to ddr.. i dont have fob enough friends! i would know i've met the wrong person if they don't like cute things or try stuff like ddr people who don't know how to have fun fail, they are probably shy inside and afraid to let themselves loose and by masking themselves as a person full of pride. Or maybe they grew up in an environment where everything was restricted and they grow up with little self confidence to try new things =() i dunno yes goeatc im sure most of us can relate to at least one person like that
the closer you are to a friend, the more 'real' you are supposed to be to them. Are you a guy, or a girl? ________ Harley-Davidson Peashooter
Anyways, I dont think that not being able to make fun of yourself is a part of pride, but a hint of insecurity. Depending on his maturity level, being 'real' may offend him, unless he can think his actions through; in that case, your friendship will be better off. Pending he is immature, and you confront him about his attitude, he may subconciously think "whatever, she's wack anyway." Well, at least this is how things work 'round here. ________ Honda CR250R history
lol this guy so violent, but yes tell him to his face since ur so close it doesn't even matter. i do it with my closest friends, straight up in their faces. we're cool like that dunno about u and ur friend
If he is a friend.. TELL HIM OFF THERE AND THERE.. if he's simply an acquaintance.. then forget bout it..
push him off his imaginary pedestal........ seriously..... tell him he is acting like a total asswipe and he should lighten up
i thik it is how you are brought up. Some people are naturally shy and just feel they cant let loose. So you just have to encournage them more.
If your close then just tell him. Here a good quote, "A friend when visiting your house ask for a drink, a good friend just helps himself"
Slap him... wait 3 seconds... then slap him again from the other side. lolz Your "friend" has ADD or HADD... or SHADD. lolz