tookie willaims execution

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Knoctur_nal, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    29 thoughts? pitty...u kill four ppl and one of the co-founders for a very potent gang (crypts) that has messed up the lives of millions of kids...yes i said millions.....its bigger than u mercy...redemption...too much damage done....ur views?...
    #1 Knoctur_nal, Dec 14, 2005
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2005
  2. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    To be honest, i dont care whether he lives or not.... but if his death brings peace to the relatives of the victims.. then so be it.

    and...wasn't it already decided that he is gonna die? I don't watch much tv, so clue me in :p
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    yup...they already put the bastard away...apparently they had a rough time finding a vein to inject the cocktail...he had to help them find one....funny how it is....personally...lethal injection was to humane....they should have just beaten the shit out of him with a few baseball bats until he was friggin lifeless....
  4. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    it seems like u have alot of hatred towards this guy, why are u so angry at him O_O
  5. Fobstar

    Fobstar Guest

    im not for the death penalty so no i don't think he should be executed, but i do think he's guilty and he's a changed man. But yea that doesn't excuse him for killing those convience store owners but again he could be innocent and they executed the wrong person.
  6. misstical

    misstical Member

    honestly, i read this issue in magazines and to be honest...

    i personally dont believe in capital punishment.

    i know and understand that hes probably messed up many kids lives, but then again...there are so many other ones out there too is it really possible to go out, capture them all...& kill them all too? i mean .... well yes, now that hes not here nemore..thats one less person

    but thnk about it..he has can u put them all away? u cant.

    i kinda feel sorry for him to be honest..cus i know it was reallly really bad that he murdered those four people but i mean...i really dont think he should die*

    he was already in jail for like 24 yrs or sth right? and people keep fighting for his freedom... imean i dont think he should be set free, but dying...its just too harsh of a punishment...

    in my opinion, add another like 50,possibly even 60 yrs as a sentence with no parole sounds more humane...
  7. shhh lips

    shhh lips Well-Known Member

    Well if Schwarzenegger did grant clemency, based on the evidence that has been presented, it would be a disaster. Imo there are more people who wants him to be executed than those who dont.

    True, he has written anti-gang books, been nominated several times for the Nobel Peace and Literature Prize, and his "Protocol for Street Peace" has been used by rival gangs to broker gang truces. But i've heard he never shown any kind of remorse or guilt towards his victims.

    So to be honest I didn't really care if he lived or died. His death will be an example to others not to be involved in gang activity.
  8. remix

    remix Guest

    I believe in the death penalty but I've seen people do far worse things. ( To be hoenst, I didn't care if he died or not. Some people, on the other hand, deserve it. I don't see how people can say the death penatly is inhumane when some criminals probably tortured their victims to death. Once you've reached a certain limit, you should be executed.
  9. slurpnnoodlez

    slurpnnoodlez Member

    Do you guys think death is a more painful punishment or a lifetime in prison? Because it is said that confinement is the harshest punishment one can get.. =/ Any thoughts?
  10. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    anger towards him...absolutely....and towards other ppl too..haha....indeed...he did all this crap about redemption...but as ssh said...there was no mention of remorse.....peace prize and a few the bastard burn in the death penalty..thas another interesting question...and as to why i'm so anrgy at him....this guy wasn't just some random killer...he started the crypts....this friggin gang has ruined....and continues to...the lives of many youths.....a gang that preaches hate and violence.....the thing much as he says hes all for good and shit..this gang he started is open in the fact that as much shit as he tries to will continue to mess up millions of lives..for starting something like that...there is no my opinion that is...
  11. he has killed many people in his gang days ... so he should be punished...just cause now he writes couple books now and is regretful doesnt make him innocent of the lives he has for death penalty ..i see no difference in life in prison and execution...thats my opinion though.