5:http://firstpersontetris.com/ I don't need to explain tetris, basically tetris with a twist. 4:http://www.addictinggames.com/cratecrash.html Use pseudo physics to move crates around with as little blasts as possible, use to many and you fail. 3:http://tashian.com/multibabel/ Wna see What happens when an English phrase is translated (by computer) back and forth among five different languages? well look no further 2:http://www.onemotion.com/flash/snake-game/ Everyone knows snake rite.. updated though 1:http://lunchtimers.com/ (Letters) Letters, basically you have a bunch of fridge magnets and you can form words with them, awesome rite..the nice part is its online so everyone is stealing each others letter to make their own words, pointless but fun!