Toronto and street racing consequences

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Dan, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. toronto people, you guys must have heard the accidents on highway 400 due to aggressive drivers...

    im not too sure about the first one, but on the second one, a stock mustang, a stock grand am, and a stock civic were racing down the highway, causing the death of a truck driver..

    now altho we all feel for the truck driver's unfortunately, notice the common word in the previous sentence. "stock".

    guess what consequence the authority have placed? all MODIFIED CARS for racing are to be destroyed, even tho they have not committed any crime. if a cop sees a modded car, its destroyed. like... wtf...

    i find that absolutely effing imbecilic. really.

    for the past few accidents due to street racing in toronto, the cars involved were all stock. the cab driver incident on mount pleasant, a damned mercedes and a bimmer if im correct, were both stock.

    why the hell, please explain to me, why the hell must modded cars pay the price for this?

    what happens to those who mod cars as hobby? what happens to those who mod cars for their artistic value? and for shows, and style?

    i was driving and heard this on the news.. i was absolutely stunned to hear innocent people must pay the consequences for faults that are not theirs...

    now i cant hope to mod my future cars for the fun of it, without the fear of having it destroyed..

    what do you guys think?
  2. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    I agree that its an idiot way of from keeping ppl racing. Its not the car that makes ppl race, its the mentality.

    Maybe the government should make all cars locked to maximum speed of 100km while they are at it.-rolleyes
  3. no, i dont blame the government to do what theyre doing... i just want to kick those asses... them retard aggressive drivers who care for noone's safety..

    the government said its starting to treat dangerous drivers as criminals... which i think is fine... but to destroy cars? thats just fucked up...

    according to studies i saw somewhere, only 4% of drivers within the twenties are actually street racers.... 4% that cost the rest of the 96% to pay for..... imbecilic i tell you...
  4. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^ But the measure is not going to be effective. Government can impound or destroy the riced up cars, but its still not going to change people's mind. Tho i agree that it should be considered as criminal offense which is something QC government did couple months for ppl who street race.
  5. oh really? didnt know that.... better not race in mtl.. LOL jsk

    but still, them juiced cars are not going to impact the stock car racers...
  6. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^ Yea, i feel bad for those people who spend so much money on their cars for show and stuff and have it destroyed bc some retards dont want to spend the $$$$ to race in a place designated for that.
  7. drft_anbu

    drft_anbu Active Member

    import car profiling has been going on here in california for a while now. while i do want all those stupid street racers kids off the street, i think profiling and destroying vehicles is the wrong way in doing so.

    its like, if you take a gun away from someone, will that stop him or her from killing?
  8. ^ word.... racial profiling... now car profiling... thats retarded lol

    and plus, does the car reflect the driver? its arbitrary but i dont think so..
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i heard they're banning modified cars its pointless to sup it up.....FUKING toronto don't know how to do stuff...fuck the governemnt....they shoulda done something earlier liek last year when the taxi driver died....y can't they make a street racing area for ppl who want to race.......fuk this goverenment
  10. lol go complain to dalton mcguinty hahahaha
  11. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    hehe. serves them right. all mod cars should be destroyed!!!

    I have seen super traps, mod engines, and even nitro oxide tank in mod cars...mustang50, corvette. etc.

    these idiots use to race for money...2 grand per race. I used to think it is cool. until one time, I saw a mustang 5,0 jump the red light and hit a running girl (fight with bf). she flew like 10 ft. meng.

    cars are for transport, if you want to race, then go to a race track.
  12. yo adrian.. modded cars dont race as often as stock cars.

    so why do mod cars owner get blamed for stock fags mistakes?
  13. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Cars don't kill people. People kill people.

    So i put a short ram intake in my vehicle, does that mean i like to race? maybe i just like the added engine response and the sound.

    So i paint my car bright orange and add flaming decals to it, does that mean i'm gonna pull up to someone and demand a race? no, it just means i have terrible taste.

    banning 'modified' vehicles is a stupid idea, it makes no impact on a driver if he/she wants to race. Instead of buying parts and modifying vehicles, drivers will just save their money and buy higher powered cars, then race those.

    this ban on modified cars is going to be quite a hit to the industry though.. the east coast and west coast of canada are some of the few places in this country where people actually seriously mod their vehicles. I hope this law is repealed, otherwise there are gonna be a ton of teenagers and younger adults who are going to have cars that they spent thousands of dollars on modifying, that have suddenly become un-drivable, due to the worry of a PoPo pulling them over and impounding their perfectly street legal vehicle.
  14. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    its the governments fault lol!! lets race the government to kick him off...and the effing toronto mayor for creating a garbage tax....

    dan so wat time we racing lol
  15. exactly my thought..

    you can go ahead and race, cuz i dont wanna spend 10-life in prison lol

    they said they bumped up street racing to criminal as opposed to just traffic violation..
  16. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ i heard it was like only 1 year or less lol
  17. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    yo. try it out meng. try to out race a cop like my friend. haha.

    he ducked into a garage and the cops can;t catch him
  18. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ freals..i heard 3 corvettes or was it 2..anyways they were speedin on the highway and cops couldn't catch up lol..thats funny...makes ppl like me want to do that
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    id only do that if i had enough money and connections to buy my way out of jail.
  20. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    hehe. all u need is a bottle of nitrous oxide! press the button and away it goes.