Hey, my name is Danny and I am a trickaholic. Tricking is a mix of gymnastics and Martial Arts, it is fun, creative, challenging and did I mention fun? Well for more information on Tricking visit www.trickstutorials.com So the story goes, we are setting up a meet this Sunday May 6 LOCATION: METRO HALL PARK (University & King / ST.ANDREWS STN / 1 Block west) TIME: 12:30PM - 4PM @ THE PARK For a view of the place and also what tricking is watch this video. [youtube]lpjuChQfSww[/youtube] Or if you want to visit the Tricks Tutorials Forum you can go here and see the Details too.http://trickstutorials.com/forum/showthread.php?t=25098 I think this would be a great opportunity to meet some of the PA members. I know Kdoct will be comming! Well he better be comming! lol. But yeah basically if you wanna learn how to trick that would be fine or watch it would be cool or just have a picnic that would also be cool. LOL. We also might be going out to eat too so bring some cash if you want to dine. If you are interested in going, send me a message or post it here. If you are going you can look for this guy here: And my facebook is here http://hs.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1644270071 Well see you later.
Who said you had to do anything? People have come and just watched before no big deal. Ain't gonna tell you to do a backflip or anything lol.
^ Yeah, right. My 2 second of affection is totally wasted on you, kdotc. I don't know @_@b It's going to be a long day for me Saturday... Wonder if I will get up before noon Sunday... *SIGH*