These people are idiots. Everything you do has consequences. Someone is paying for what happened, the dead kid who tried to mug an innocent person, the father for raising a piece of shit, and the accomplice who will be facing a murder charge. Some people are totally worthless.
Hold on, the dead dudes friend is charged with murder? how does that work? That thief is dead now, what a way to go, parents will be parents, the boy was a thieving gang member who are the lowest imo, and the father still calls him hard working etc etc. Over here i think the victim would have got charged with manslaughter, but maybe he got away with it because the thief had the knife and it maybe he fell on it or w/e
The friend is probably being charged with murder due to the fact that, as an accomplice in a felony situation, he is liable for the actions and wellbeing of his partner. Buuuut, i'm no lawyer. I'm also fairly sure that manslaughter doesn't apply in self-defense situations. Manslaughter is for accidental deaths, like running someone over.
IIRC, the accomplice is not liable for the well being of his partner per se, but during the commission of a felony, if anyone (victim, bystander, accomplice) dies as a result of your participation, you can be charged with murder. Another thing is, while the criminal's parent's grief is understandable, their biggest hurdle is to come to terms with the fact that he brought this upon himself. The father's lament of " son is dead, I want somebody to pay for this..." was ultimately self fulfilling. His son was at fault, and he did pay the ultimate price for it.
^^^ Took the words right out of my mouth... the person responsible did in fact pay for it... with his life
the parent was definitely blind by emotion and by the fact that he just lost a son not realizing that it was the end result of his son participating in a gang and doing "tasks" for the gang...but in the end we see that parenting plays such a big role in raising a child and a difference in whether they become good or bad
I wouldn't necessary be so harsh; robbery is one thing, but to be deserving of death? That's rather a bit extreme. However, one must recognize that the wisdom within the adage of sowing what one reaps, remains timeless and apropos here.
err the accomplice gets charged?? wth?? sure, they were wrong for robbing the guy, but the accomplice gets charged for the murder?? weird >.<
People are sad by the death of the robber but none has given much thought to the victim. He's a visitor; came here in high spirit to enjoy his time; now end up killing someone with his bare hands .. imagine how he would feel now and no one know whether such incidence will haunt him for the rest of his life. I am surprised that the victim was able to wrestle the two down whom had a gun and knife; must be small and inexperienced kid that rob him. Most victims would've just gave up the money for their lives. I think that's what the two robbers thought too .. easy target and good money; didn't expect whatever to happen .. ultimately pay a price for the crime. I feel sad for the parents of losing a child but not for the kid's death (it's harsh but what can you say) cuz he brought it on himself.
wtf .. oakland .. >< i can kinda see why the dad's angry though .. i mean, no parent is gonna be like "yeah they deserved it" if their kid dies
I believe its reaping what you sow (Galatians 6:7)? Unless the dead dude killed someone in the past i would say "live by the sword, die by the sword" (Matthew 26:52) is more appropriate.
I think its called chain of causation or something like that. Anyway the father of the dead guy gets no sympathy from me. Pathetic. Can't see that his son brought it upon himself. He's not a "good" kid. Good kids don't rob people at knife point.
how sad..... just turned of adult age too..... total ignorance. I feel bad that the guy had to die to show what mistake he had made... otherwise he would have shrugged it off and robbed another person.... the father in this situation is devastated... and that make sense but no way in hell will he be getting any compensation, his son was at fault.