STUNNED doctors removed a two-inch long FIR TREE from a man's lung — after operating on him for suspected cancer. Russian surgeons thought Artyom Sidorkin, 28, had a cancerous tumour when he started coughing up blood and complaining of agonising chest pains. But when they opened the man up they discovered a perfectly formed fir tree instead. Vladimir Kamashev, who operated on the patient, said: "I thought I was hallucinating. "I asked my assistant to have a look, saying 'come and see this - we've got a fir tree here'. He nodded in shock. "I blinked three times, sure I was seeing things." Medical staff believe Sidorkin inhaled a seed, which later sprouted into a small fir tree inside his lung. Before making the shock discovery the medics had been certain the man had a tumour. Kamashev added: "We were 100 per cent sure. We did X-rays and found what looked exactly like a tumour. I had seen hundreds before, so we decided on surgery." Part of his lung with the embedded spruce, which was putting pressure on his veins causing severe pain, was successfully removed. Sidorkin said: "It was very painful. But to be honest I did not feel any foreign object inside me. I'm so relieved it's not cancer."
That's a first, never heard a tree can be grown inside someones lungs. Talk about a breath of fresh air.
So it IS trueeeee... mum always told me that when u swallow grape seeds a tree will grow inside of me..... now im scared for being a lazy kid n not spitting em outtttt the pic looks yuckie... but yeah, id have to agree, i pref a tree they can remove over a tumor!
swallow you have your stomach acid to digest it and also you clear your stomach and shit it out...but lungs...there's none! Since lung is for gas type and not liquid or solid types, it is impossible to clear any solid materials in the lungs... mammi tells me that nows...esp. with watermelon seeds.... i was so scared when i was young....when i swallowed one...i wouldnt sleep for 2days -ohmy....
Bullshit. He probably just accidentally inhaled a spruce cutting and it lodged in his lung. From the picture, there are no roots, and plants need sunlight to grow. The cutting shown in the picture has to have at least an age of two or more years as brown bark is forming at the base. Anyone that knows anything about botony would see this as a rather simple hoax. handoff1 Another report on this from BBC:
I heard about this article today but i'm sure they were talking about a pin.It's horrible and i don't understand how a fir-tree could grow in his lungs! lol,when i was little,my mum told me this too...I took care never to swallowed them
that's still pretty gross. lost his lung to a mini-tree. there's supposedly enough for the thing to grow... CO2 and H2O. but the question lies in, where does it get the energy to transform those compounds into C6H12O6? Then again, since the tree thing was living inside the person, couldn't it leech off the sugars from the human host's blood supply somehow and use its own mitochondria to make energy/ATP? since sugar is supposedly available from a source.... i don't see a reason for the plant to make its own. Does this even make sense? I'm not botanist, that's for sure =P