You loved someone for a long time but somewhere both of you kinda split, but now are trying to stay close cause you still care for each other, but every time you get together both of you get those "moments" or would say those feelings urges between you two. What do you do? Stay in each others' lives or leave? Some of us have probably experienced this
The only way I've solved this problem before, is to stay out of each others lives... if you really don't find each other wanting to be with each other, but are just having moments, then it's because your human When this happened to me, we stayed apart from each other, just talked online now and then... and then we both met someone.... so we've lost those feelings for each other now, and we can still be friends. Good luck, I know it's really hard -hug
Everyone has their own ways of dealing with. But if u can keep your head straight then theres no problem but if u feel weak and afraid that you may go down the same path, better keep your distance form each other la.
personally i don't believe ppl can stay as "good friends" right after they split or whether they can do it at all... if i was in that position i'd get that person out of my life for a long time and get my head straight first... those "moments" r just gonna drag u right back to where u left off...
Either keep your distance from each other (estrangement) or hang out with a group of close knit friends to try to kill the urge.
Once you are done! Move on. Once in awhile you ran into each other is ok, but do not do it too regularly.
For me, I find that it is best to give a few months for everyone to cool down and heal a bit before initiating the friendship and talking again. If he/she is mature, they will be able to talk at least generally with you after a few months, but it will be hard to build the friendship back to what it was when you were more than friends.
Talk it out with them, if you both want the same thing, then get together! If not, then you two can still stay friends.