TVB Anniversary Series Battle Between High Executives Catherine Tsang and Tommy Leung

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by KaY_xD, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟


    Every year's TVB anniversary series are the fight between executives Catherine Tsang and Tommy Leung, the two powerful directors/producers in the production unit. Both have their wins and loses these years, however, series produced by Catherine has been winning over those produced by Tommy. Recent example include "Heart of Greed," "Moonlight Resonance," "Rosy Business," and "Beyond the Realm of Conscience," which are all very well-known series and did well in ratings, popularity, word of mouth, and TVB anniversary awards. In contrast, besides "E.U." was more outstanding, Tommy's other series didn't do so well. Last year, Tommy's "Born Rich" and Catherine's "BTROC" were selected as anniversary series. The final result: "BTROC" receives average ratings of 35 points and peaked 50 points; but "BR" was dissed by viewers as "Born Boring."

    This month, Tommy's "Growing Through Life" is competing Catherine's "Can't Buy Me Love." "GTL" received mediocre ratings of 27 points but "CBML" receive average 33 points so far. Knowing he can't lose again for this year's anniversary series fight, Tommy purposely replaced "Relic of an Emissary" (洪武三十二) who was originally selected as one of the anniversary series, with police drama "Gun Metal Grey" (刑警). It's known the reason "ROAE" is out because its setting is similar to "Rosy Business 2: No Regrets," both sets in the ancient/prepublic series. Also, the duo of Michael Miu and Felix Wong in "GMG" is more interesting to watch, since they haven't collaborated in a long time. Reporters contacted Tommy and he explained the selection is decided by drama unit. "Heard it was going to be 'ROAE,' but they would decide based on the background and after production of the series. 'ROAE' just finished shooting. I watched 'GMG,' and think it's very good."

    As for the female lead of "GMG" Jessica Hsuan, she expressed she didn't know "GMG" is releasing as an anniversary series. "Two of my series 'A Pillowcase of Mystery 2' and 'Sisters of Pearl' are released this year. Can't believe 'GMG' would release this year, too. I believe cops drama is guaranteed to have good ratings. Plus it's starring Michael and Felix, who hasn't shoot series in HK for a long time, definitely giving a fresh feeling to viewers. In fact, whether it's 'RB2: No Regrets' or 'GMG,' they're both by TVB, it would be good if both series do well in ratings." The competitors of "GMG," male lead and producer of "No Regrets" Wayne Lai and Lee Tim Sing both hope the two series can receive good ratings

    Source: Mingpao Weekly / Translation: KAY
  2. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I always loved cop dramas. But not with shitty endings. Can't wait for E.U. 4 :)

    But, Born Rich.. i agree. it was sooo boring. I never liked it from the start til the beginning.

    Growing Through Life.. it's ok la. Not bad though.
  3. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Emergency Unit was the beast, Laughing Gor was a WOW!
  4. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    I just cant wait for the 'gun metal grey'......... I friggin cant wait guys.
  5. onni

    onni Well-Known Member

    Am waiting to watch GMG starring Felix Wong. it's been a long long time since last watch him on screen.
  6. milky_bb

    milky_bb Well-Known Member

    Healthy competition equals good competition - really hope tvb can produce more high class dramas in the coming years.