TVB Drama "Presumed Accidents" Synopsis

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, May 26, 2016.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    Starring Lawrence Ng (吳啟華), Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), Lai Lok Yi (黎諾懿), Selena Li (李施嬅), Joyce Tang (滕麗名), and Raymond Cho (曹永廉), upcoming TVB drama Presumed Accidents <純熟意外> will begin airing on May 30.

    Breaking out of his routine portrayal in gentle and professional roles, Lawrence will instead have many action scenes in the new drama. Although Lawrence and Sisley will develop romantic feelings for each other, his lingering feelings for his ex-wife, portrayed by Selena, will result in a love triangle.

    Taking on the leading female role, Sisley’s character becomes an insurance investigator after losing her parents in a tragic accident. Due to her heartbreaking past, Sisley is wise beyond her years and begins an ambiguous relationship with Lawrence. The 25-year-old rising actress expressed her nervousness in filming a scene where she had to yell at Lawrence, “That scene was very emotional. I felt my heartbeat quicken and my hands were shaking. I didn’t think about anything. I just followed the script and went with it. This is what makes acting fun. Besides, based on previous experiences, although the senior actors seem stern and strict, they are actually are very nice people. I get along well with Lawrence and he often gives me pointers.”

    Lai Lok Yi (黎諾懿) will portray a lawyer who steps on boundaries to win his cases. He suddenly disappears and leaves behind colleague sweetheart, Sisley. When Lok Yi reappears once again, Sisley and Lawrence have started to develop feelings for each other.

    Presumed Accidents may also be a breakthrough for Selena, who will be portraying three different roles. Other than portraying Lawrence’s wife, she will also play the role of an insurance agent and another mysterious character. She expressed, “It’s like I’ve filmed three dramas! There was a lot of work involved. My voice and movements all had to be different. Luckily, all three characters were from different time periods, making it all very refreshing. Otherwise, I might become schizophrenic!” She candidly shared that the most difficult part was filming opposite of Lawrence. “I’ve collaborated with many lead actors before, such as Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Raymond Wong (黃浩然), and Vincent Wong (王浩信). They are all very similar to me. But Lawrence is on a whole different level. I was nervous filming with him. So nervous that I couldn’t even move my legs! It’s like I was a newcomer all over again.”

    Meanwhile, Joyce and Raymond will portray a comedic couple. In the drama, Joyce is an investigator and is also Raymond’s boss. Joyce portrays a housewife initially, but due to problems in her marriage, she is determined to focus more on improving her physical appearance. Raymond’s character, on the other hand, was originally a smart and cunning man. However, he eventually became low-spirited and lost his ambition due to a painful experience.

    Creds: Oncc
    #1 b-lee, May 26, 2016
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
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  2. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Hopefully Sisley isn't annoying in this series. Sad to see her be the lead and not Selena sigh.
  3. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member


    lol When is she never? They always give Lawrence these roles where he likes a younger counter part. LOL As far as Selena? She was okay, but has gotten way way too narcistic.

    Mister Catergory 3 only doing these roles.

    Bet he will be in another one with Grace or whatever. LOL
  4. uncle lawrence :shino: look like her daughter in that pic

    this will look worst than Kate/Lawrence :gum:

    selena role sounds interesting!