TVB Dramas "Master of Destiny" and Ghost of Relativity" Airing this Summer

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    TVB has announced the drama line-up for this summer, which includes the long-awaited family epic Master of Destiny <風雲天地> and the supernatural comedy Ghost of Relativity <鬼同你OT>.

    Angie Chiu Returns for “Master of Destiny”

    Helmed by Wong Jing (王晶), Master of Destiny is a modern family epic about three brothers, who are in a battle to gain inheritance of their family business.

    Filmed in late 2013, Master of Destiny brings together a large cast from both Hong Kong and Mainland China. It stars Kenny Wong (黃德斌), Hawick Lau (劉愷威), and Edwin Siu (蕭正楠) as the the three Cho brothers, while Liza Wang (汪明荃) stars as their mother. Mainland stars include Tiffany Tang (唐嫣), Kimmy Tong (童菲), Natalie Meng (孟瑤), and Monica Mok (莫小棋).

    The 32-episode drama is Hawick’s first Cantonese-language drama since 2005’s My Family <甜孫爺爺>. Although the series has already premiered in Mainland China, TVB believes that China’s earlier broadcast will not affect the ratings of the drama in Hong Kong, as many viewers would like to watch the drama in Cantonese.

    The series also features guest stars Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), Selena Li (李施嬅), and the semi-retired Angie Chiu (趙雅芝), whose last television drama was the 2005 Chinese drama Blue and White Porcelain <青花>.

    On why Angie decided to take part in this series, she said, “Wong Jing’s father Wong Tim Lam (王天林) was my teacher. It was his father who took care of me when I first debuted. I am very thankful, so when Wong Jing asked me to help out in this project, I agreed immediately. However, I was only a guest star this time.”

    Master of Destiny is the first drama in 35 years to feature both Liza and Angie. In the series, Angie will portray a lawyer and the lover of Liza Wang’s deceased husband. On working with Liza, Angie shared, “Liza and me rarely collaborate. Off the top of my head, I could only remember The Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre <倚天屠龍記> and Chor Lau Heung <楚留香>. I am really happy for the opportunity to work with her again. We know our limits, so when we got together, chemistry immediately clicked.”

    Angie also shared more plot tidbits about the drama, “Liza and I knew each other many years ago. I eventually left overseas to study law, while she stayed in Hong Kong to raise my son, Kenny Wong. Afterwards, her son Hawick Lau gets in trouble with the law, and I become his lawyer.”

    Master of Destiny will take over the time slot of Wudang Rules <潮拜武當> and premiere on June 22.

    “Ghost of Relativity”: The Return of Supernatural Comedies

    Produced by Steven Tsui (徐正康), Ghost of Relativity will be succeeding the time slot currently occupied by The Empress of China <武則天>, and is slated to premiere on July 13. Starring Moses Chan (陳豪), Kristal Tin (田蕊妮), and Nancy Wu (胡定欣), the lighthearted series is about Nancy, a ghost who takes over Kristal’s body to be with her one true love, Moses.

    Ghost comedies were once TVB’s golden cards in the station’s early years. Producer Tsui has confidence in the new series, complimenting the chemistry of the cast and the hilarious script.

    Kristal said Ghost of Relativity is her first ghost comedy and praised the quality of the series, hoping that the story’s lightheartedness will bring more joy to viewers this summer. While Kristal is familiar with performing comedy, Nancy, who has more experience in drama, said Ghost of Relativity was a challenge for her during filming.

    Creds: ihktv