TVB Ratings Fall Over New Year

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. Wednesday February 21, 2007 Hong Kong

    TVB's ratings took a dive last week, probably because of citizens heading abroad for the Chinese New Year break. The three prime time shows including "Welcome to the House" and "Best Bet" fell by 2 points and 6 points respectively, with the former reaching 23 points and the latter's first week averaging just 26 points, compared to last week's "The Brink of Law" finale, which reached 32 points. The repeat of "Ten Brothers" still pulled in viewers averaging 29 points, which is a respectable result.

    The drop was the greatest on New Year Eve and New Year Day weekend, with the "Beautiful Cooking Reunion dinner" only pulling in 23 points, down 3 points on the previous week. The special new year show only reached 17 points, falling a huge 12 points on the previous week, probably because everyone was out celebrating or visiting the flower markets.

    credits: tvbspace, asianfanatics.
  2. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Keep falling.... until it hits rock bottom....
  3. machwnor

    machwnor Well-Known Member

    well, hope the rating will go back up again since chinese new year is already end
  4. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    no way; we have 9 days left to CNY! hehe ... need to account for total 15 days.