Grand production Deep in the Realm of Conscience <深宮計> started filming yesterday. Centered on the lives of the royal family living in the imperial palace, the drama stars Steven Ma (馬浚偉), Annie Liu (劉心悠), Chrissie Chau (周秀娜), Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Edwin Siu (蕭正楠), and Candy Lo (羅霖). Although the drama features many actresses, Edwin, who is currently dating Priscilla Wong (黃翠如), said he will not look their way, Kenneth joked, “Why can’t you look! There are so many beautiful women, you can still look even after you’re married!” Asked whether he will be romantically paired with rumored girlfriend Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎) in the series, Kenneth shrugged, “I don’t know yet – but I know that she likes me because I end up saving her.” While Edwin and Kenneth joked around, Candy – who has not filmed in over 20 years, expressed her nervousness in this production. Revealing that her heart was racing on the first day, Candy said, “I memorized my script yesterday, but everyone’s standards are very high. This is my first ancient costume drama as well so my heart has never beat so quickly before!” Although Candy has the most scenes opposite her on-screen rival, Angie Cheong (張慧儀), she laughed and said she does not have much experience in yelling at people besides her son. Creds: Oriental Daily
Such an interesting cast especially with Chrissie in it and Annie, hope to see them in a more traditional TVB series It's almost tempting to watch this just for them in it, even though I rarely watch the Ancient ones.
predicting Chrissie dies in the drama...ancient drama about Emperor's wives? the pretty ones always dies