Tuesday August 22, 2006 Hong Kong TVB's new game show "King of Games" began filming TVB's new game show "King of Games" began filming earlier with guest stars Shirley Yeung, Gregory Lee, Wong He, Halina Tam, Lam Chi Chung and Tin Kai Man and hosts Jerry Lamb, Nancy and Sam Li. As a couple, Shirley and Gregory were instantly the target for the jokes and tricks and at the beginning of the filming, there was suddenly some wedding music playing and it was suggested that they should get married there and then. Despite many years of dating, Shirley and Gregory seem to be lacking a little in co-operation and in a cushion jumping game, Shirley's chin kept bumping into Gregory's back, leaving her a little embarrassed. She says: "I did not know how to play this game beforehand and even if you are dating, you may not be totally synchronised with each other!" credits: the sun, tvbspace, asianfanatics.