Friday February 2, 2007 Hongkong Twins' intimate pictures were said to be inappropriate The Broadcasting Authority Section had not received any complaints Twins are releasing their sixth anniversary collection album with wedding pictures as the cover. Their pictures include very intimate poses such as facing each other looking like they were about to kiss. While some complimented on the creativity and beauty of the results, some others took their forwardness as a discussion topic, saying they're promoting homosexuality, the topic had people responding and had over 1,500 views within a short period of time. Some pointed out that Twins are a lot of children's idols and suggested the pictures might have bad influences on children, some who are more extreme suggested to file a complaint to the Broadcasting Authority Section. There are also the ones who supported Twins, saying the pictures were beautiful and that some people are abusing the use of complaints. Reporters had contacted the Broadcasting Authority Section, but they had not received any complaints on the issue as of now. credits: mingpao, asianfanatics.
but. they're not really kissing are they? they're just about to kiss. that's not really inappropriate -__-
if they were promoting "homosexuality".. it's something that does exist in society, so children will have to learn about it someday anyway.. personally, i don't see how "inappropriate" it is xP
i dont see how the pics are inappropriate. its just them two being seemingly close with each other but that doesnt necessarily promote or even indicate anything bout homosexuality.
two cowboys having sex in a tent ontop of a lonely mountain is gay, Charlene and Gillian pretending to kiss is just sexy.