I was reinstalling Alcohol 120% and rebooted to finalize the installation. To my horror, after the reboot, I tried to access my data drive, which has about 250gbs worth of movies, games, music, etc. and I got the message "Disk in drive I is not formatted, would you like to format" Of course not!! -dead Then I tried booting in safe mode, that didn't do anything. So I decided to remove that drive and take it to work, so I could run some diagnostics, and maybe data recovery. But I haven't had the chance yet. Hopefully I can get most of the data back. NTSF though. I start up my computer again, and "Primary drive not found"! My main drive wasn't spinning. Losing this drive doesn't suck as much as, because it was all pirated software anyway. On the brightside, now I have a new project: replacing the logic board of this HD to see if I can get it spinning again.
Yes, luckily, I was able to recover most of it at work, with the recovery software. I haven't gotten the identical harddrive yet to try to switch the logic boards.