Tyra Banks Show - Racist family

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by person, Dec 27, 2007.

  1. person

    person Well-Known Member


    So watching this... I'm speechless. This family is damn crazy. We all have our own beliefs, but this is just nuts.
  2. sakky101

    sakky101 Well-Known Member

    -ohmy My gawd whats wrong with these people ffs! Think the whole family should be shot -dead
  3. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    wow ...
    watching this vid just pissed me off
    if I was tyra, I'd have punched him-censored
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Fuckin Neo-Nazis, teachin their kids to find a world that doesn't exist, making them all outcasts and shit... They are just a bunch of nazi worshippers and fanboys nothing else.
  5. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    this is just so sick man
    this confession should send them to jail
  6. Things like this is beyond me, how can parents raise their children to be like that, and they say they are Christian too!. they have the cheek to hate everyone when they live in a land they are not native to.

    yup the father is a Hitler fanboy and the mother is a Hitler fangirl.

    they have a DEEP hatred for jews, so how do they manage with Jesus is beyond me?
    #6 master_g, Dec 27, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2007
  7. ldn07

    ldn07 Well-Known Member

    that was interesting.
    i feel sorry for the kids being braught up in a ampmosphere of hate/dislike
  8. the same way people have strong beliefs for a religion =))) they just happen to choose a crappy one and keep in mind germany was kinda like this only 70 years ago.
  9. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Fortunately it is no longer common in this modern age. Unfortunately it will never die.
  10. weezelskeezel

    weezelskeezel Well-Known Member

    uhh wth why do they sound like robots? it sounds so scripted..
  11. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Somehow this sounds like surreal or just a publicity gimmick. -confused
  12. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    ppl like them still exist. there are more of them than we think and it's sad. even though humanity has come a long way there is still a lot of work to be done and ppl like them sets us back again. there will always be those that feel the same way they do and what the rest of us need to do is teach our children and those around us that that mentality is wrong.
  13. itzd0pey

    itzd0pey Well-Known Member

    they would probably get shot walking on some street :O
  14. sevenbluestarz

    sevenbluestarz New Member

    That's hilarious..normal family? talk about insane. If he hates blacks, what is he doing on Tyra banks show?
  15. ROFL thats so true
  16. Athena

    Athena Well-Known Member

    funny video thx!
  17. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ohhhh yes it was so HA HA funny! yes =/
  18. sakky101

    sakky101 Well-Known Member


    I wondered about that too but not commented on it. Maybe it was a hoax like wind2000 said ... dunno to be honest -what?
  19. person

    person Well-Known Member

    My my, didn't know I'd run into this...
    So the video posted is mine. I didn't embed it because I want you guys to see the latest comment.

    Which is:
    ugly ching chong chinks

    First off... the fanvid I made... is not of just Chinese celebs...
    2nd, if you visit the bastards page,
    There is who I assume him and some other people with swastica arm bands. Also his comment page has other asian (I again assume) commenting him back. I am also very tempted to do so as well.
    So much to say to such an ignorant ass like that guy...

    Honestly, if he doesn't like the video posted, fuck off. Stay away. Don't be so immature as to comment on it.
    Hey asshole, Bush and I say this:
  20. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^ There would always be idiots out there. I wouldnt think about it at all cuz the dude or dudette is simply jealous cuz he/ she is fugly.