I recently bought a new HP slimline PC. It has been working perfectly for 1st 3 days, but one morning when tried inserting a DVD, there is no image of the CD/DVD on My Computer, which i am suppose to click on to open the DVD. I've tried several CD/DVD, but none of them show that they are running in the PC. Also, normally you can here the CD/DVD speeding up inside, but NOW there is no noise at all. After some messing around on the PC, i have found out that the CD/DVD Hardware is corrupted. I have no access to internet on the computer yet, so i cannot search for help using the windows help function for my problem. So it anyone able to help me sort out this problem? Thanks
u shouldn't double post a thread! but anyway it does seem rather weird, u say its brand new and 3 days old, i reckon u should just take it back to the shop and get a replacement.
oops sorry for the double post, i clicked the back button after posting the 1st thread, to add and change something, which i would have thought would only edit it. Could anyone help me remove the 1st thread or something?
just replace it for a knew one, its worth the replacement anyways less hassle on your end and it should still be under any warranty
yep he sed it was only a few days old so he can just get a replacement for the unit. besides its better to as well cos if the optical drive has broked in such a short space of time it makes u question whether the other hardware in the comp is of a gd quality.
Meh, get a new DVD drive, always works. Or uninstall the drive then find the drivers for the DVD drive and download/install them again.
he's lacking internet atm so he can't download drivers -.-; just return the unit... its only a few days old =/