what do you think about the series? Well personally i give the show a......(tell you at teh end of my post) +Bosco is very funny at this series +Almost every chapters, i cant wait til the next one that come out +Niki chow looks so HOT and cute in the shows +at first i think niki will end with kevin, but i think the series would end up with bosco and niki(yes there is a spoiler thread i post, i havent read it yet. I just copy and paste it so you can read it. I saw it in another forum about the leakage of the ending) +I feel taht kevin will love karen becuase the beginnning of the show the idea was to marry a rich person +I also think of this becuase teh ending will be too predictable that kevin will end up with niki. +the ending could be niki+kevin.niki+bosco,none of them +theme musics and plot is very good ill give it a 4.5/5
yeah...it's really good so far.....the most important thing is that Niki chow is pretty HOT in it .....same i would give it a 4.5/5
love it! nikki is too cute and bosco is so silly funny. a pleasant series how can you rate it? lol its not over -sweat
well we can rate it since ht eseries is good we can always change it only thing could hurt it is the ending
What is mainly about this series...because there's this love triangle btw Niki, Bosco and Kevin but what's the main point of this series.
ohh..Trimming Success really doesn't have a theme to it besides court and love. Myolie was pretty good in that series but that series was kind of boring; but overall I love Samolie in here.
what are you talking about myolie and samolie they are not in the series it nadia chan, kevin and Sharon Chan
ok let us make it stright http://www.dramasian.com/showthread.php?t=1304 this is the link to trimming sucess not truiphum of sucess