uploading files-multicasting websites, anyone tried them?

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by countryboy, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. countryboy

    countryboy Well-Known Member

    ever hear of upload-multicasting?
    I got this info from a porno-site,cough,cough,heheh
    could be useful, have anyone tried this sorta of uploader spreader sites?

    Upload to multiple file hosts in ONE GO!
    Use mass mirror sites so you can upload to multiple file hosts by only
    uploading to one site. Since different people have problem with different
    file hosts, this is a great solution to make everyone happy.
    And since it's on many file hosts, you do not need to re-upload when file
    is deleted as long as the other hosts still have them.

    A list of mass mirror sites I got from a PORNO-site(From Best to Worst):
    www.nixpi.com (no ads at all, also includes mediafire)
    www.uploadground.com (some ads)
    www.uploadmirrors.com (has a pop up ad)
    www.sharebee.com (popular, few mirrors, has ads)
    www.rapidspread.com (slow upload)
    www.uploadjockey.com (popular, loaded with ads, require account for more mirrors)
    www.fileducky.com (not enough mirrors)